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The boys and girls in the clique
The awful names that will stick
You're never gonna fit in much kid
But if you're troubled and hurt
What you got under your shirt
Will make 'em pay for the things that they did

"We have a new math teacher today, ya know." Bristol, Alex's best friend, informed.

"Yeah, I heard. I'm just so glad that the other bitch is gone." Alex said, exhaling the smoke from the cigarette he had been consuming.

It was a tradition for the two for 4 years now, to meet each other in the woods before class. It started when they both arrived to high school in freshman year. They discovered a forested area behind the school, and decided that they'd meet each other there every morning. It was an opportunity for the two to talk and hang out before school, which is why they both got there fairly early. It was innocent when the routine first began. Nothing illegal was being committed and the two always managed to get to class on time. However, around sophomore year they started cutting classes, and light chatting was soon accompanied by cigarettes and occasional alcohol. 

Neither of them really cared. They were only occasionally late, and it's not like they were really hurting anybody. So why should it matter in the end? One could even go so far as to say that it helped them. They calmed each other's eccentric nerves and so did the smoke that infected their lungs.

"Oh come on, cut her some slack. You were both pretty fucking annoying." Bristol reasoned, putting her own cancer stick between her lips and inhaling.

"Yeah" Alex smirked in triumph "I know."

Bristol was a relatively pretty girl. She wasn't necessarily 'girly' or 'preppy', she just had certain features to her appearance that suited her well. She had long brown wavy-ish hair that reached her upper waist, a well-shaped jawline, pale skin, skinny body and strong cheek bones. She never wore too much makeup, for the most part it was just blush, black eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. And although that may sound like much, that's nothing near what most girls would wear.

A comfortable silence fell over the two, before Bristol spoke up once more.

"It's almost time for first period." She apprized.

"yeah, I don't care." Alex decided, inhaling more of the toxic substance between his lips.

She laughed. "You wanna skip?"

"Yeah." He affirmed, discarding his now tiny cig to the forest ground and stomping on it to defuse the tip.

"We were late yesterday, and friday..."


The brunette rolled her eyes, but smiled none the less.

"So we should head back" she said, trying to be the voice of reason.

When the two had first met, it was in 7th grade. Alex was still just as rebellious as he is now, without any substances he could get his hands on to abuse. He looked the same back then too; dark coffee brown hair with a fringe that flipped over his right eye, brown eyes, combat boots and converse, ect ect. But his attire was not what made Alex Alex. He was an artist too; he was able to draw flawlessly, using water-paints as colours. and that's what lured Bristol to him in the first place.

Bristol was a non-rebellious-all-around-good-grades-goody two shoes. Hell, she wore sundresses and put her hair in a braid. One time she even showed up wearing a flower crown (she still keeps it in her room.) Neither of the two really knew how or why they became friends. They were complete opposites. Alex could recall it having something to do with him asking her if she had any paper.

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