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Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd, smiling
Merciless, the magistrate turns 'round, frowning
and who's the fool who wears the crown
Go down in your own way

"O-oh god, Ran," the brunet gasped, tugging said blond's hair to pull his head away from where his mouth had begun to bite at the younger's neck.

"What's wrong?" Ran asked, stroking Alex's cheekbone with his thumb, his warm breath now fanning over the brunet's ear. He could feel the warmth growing hotter and hotter from Alex's cheeks, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"I-I just, I-" he stuttered.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Ran asked, taking his face away, but leaving his hand where it was; still on his right cheekbone.

Alex grabbed his wrist, not in what seemed as an attempt to take Ran's hand away, but more as if he wanted to keep it there. He looked back at Ran, who once held a look of lust but was now replaced by concern.

"I-it's just, we're drunk, and, you know, I just don't-"

"it's ok," the blond interrupted, "I get it. I'm glad you said something."

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Alex," he chuckled, "it's ok."

The younger looked to relax after that, his muscles seemingly unclenching and becoming less stiff. A slightly awkward and unsettling silence filled the atmosphere for a few long seconds, before Alex slid closer to Ran, and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I hate my family." Alex blurted out, staring off at the stars in the night sky as it continued to get darker and colder.

"I know." Ran said, not offering much else to say. He wrapped an arm around the younger's back and shoulder, bringing him deeper into his side.

"They aren't even my family." He said.

"What do you mean?" Ran asked.

"Family's supposed to help and support you. They're supposed to love and nourish you. Not tell you you're dreams are a waste of time, that you won't amount to much if you keep the same plan, that your fashion taste is sloppy, that your passions and talents don't matter."



"Is there more to your parents than what you told me to begin with?"

"Uhm... My dad's an alcoholic, kind of. He hits me sometimes, but not often."

"God, 'Lex, that's not ok..."

"I know. I spend a lot of the time at my brother's place though, so ya know. I'm cool with it."

"Well I'm not cool with it."

The boy laughed, "Ran, you're drunk. By tomorrow, you might not even remember this conversation."

"I don't forget things like this. Believe me."

Alex sighed, "alright then."

"We need to get home."

"Yeah," Alex said, pulling away. "Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"Well, you don't have a car and you're drunk so I think I'll pass" the blond joked, and Alex giggled.

"No, I meant I could call my brother to come pick us up. Want him to give you a lift?"

"Yeah, sure." The blond sighed.

The brunet called his brother, and minutes later the same green car pulled up to the same spot Alex was dropped off at, and picked both boys up.

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