15||I Wanna Be Yours

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Secrets that I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
Wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours

"What is your name?" Ran asked, focusing on the wooden ouija board as the shot glass moved to spell.

The teens were fairly shocked the first time that the makeshift planchette moved at all, but by now, they had talked to so many supposed 'ghosts' that they were automatically expecting a response.

The shot glass continued to move, until it stopped and let the teens to figure out how each letter would be pronounced together.

"Amelia!" Alex exclaimed. "Her name is Amelia."

"How old are you?" Bristol asked, and the glass moved from the letter 'i' to the number 2, and then 1.

There was a slight buffer between each number, or anytime that it would spell anything out. It also felt forceful; as if you could physically feel someone pushing the planchette. All three of the teens swore on their behalf that they weren't the one pushing the small glass, so it ended up leading to all three of them actually believing they were talking to a 21 year old ghost named Amelia.

"Who do you want to talk to?" Alex asked.

His breath hitched sharply into his throat when it spelled out his name. Honestly, his eyes widened upon the first letter that the planchette indicated at. He was the only one there who's name started with an 'A', after all.

His friends looked at him with different facial expressions. Ran's looking concerned and worried, as Bristol only smirked at him while her eyes twinkled with amusement.

Alex swallowed hard and shut his eyes tight. He opened them back up, looking at vivid-like colourful swirls and designs tripping his vision before disappearing as he looked up. Ran wanted to reach out and massage the dent between his shoulder blades just like he had been back in the coffee shop, but he controlled himself. He knew the younger boy was uncomfortable with too much touching; he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He always felt like so much as accidentally brushing his fingers against Alex's was a risk.

The younger boy looked back down at the board, where all their fingertips were placed neatly on the indicator-like object. He took another deep breath, before asking his next question.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" He asked, watching intently as the shot glass moved to spell 'Ran.'

Alex furrowed his eyebrows, confused. What the hell would a ghost want to do with he and Ran? Shouldn't she've been warning him about the impending doom their planet is going to go through? Like an astroid? A volcano eruption? Global warming? Or maybe even talking to him about her death?

Maybe the brunet was just fooling himself with ridiculous horror movie stereotypes. He guessed not all ghosts were there to scare the living shit out of him, and that some of them could be quite nosy. He almost chuckled at the way that sounded to him; a nosy ghost.

He asked "what about him?"

His tone always remained serious, his facial expression showing a type of concentration only Bristol would see when he was drawing or writing a song. However, the serious look and furrowed eyebrows automatically looked more dull and annoyed by the end of the shot glass spelling.

He looked at Bristol, his eye twitching at her ridiculous face that was painted with a ridiculous smirk and her ridiculous head that was ridiculously cocked to the side.

"What?" She asked, her tone sounding condescending.

"Are you fucking kidding me." He said, as Ran started to chuckle beside him.

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