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I was drunk and it didn't mean a thing
Stop thinking about
The bullets from my mouth
I love the things you hate about yourself
Just finished a daydream
Who were you tryna be?

Bristol's home was actually pretty comforting. Sure, the walls may have been white and bland, however family pictures as well as art hung from the walls, art that Ran could only assume either Alex, Bristol, or even ikea made.

The family pictures showed memories of what looked like Christmases, birthdays, sport and music events, even school events.

Guitars stood and hung from every corner in the room. Acoustics, electrics, basses, anything you could think of, they'd probably have it. The floors were a dark hardwood colour, making it a nice contrast to the bright walls. Most of the furniture was black as well, but there were a few splashes of colour here and there.

Since it was November, it was already dark outside by 6:00pm. The only light in the house was coming from a lamp (in which the light bulb was obviously almost on its way out) and the kitchen lights which were slightly dimmed.

Bristol left to the kitchen to go order some pizza while Alex got comfortable on the black faux leather couch, and looked at Ran expectedly, who was awkwardly standing at the doorway.

"Come sit next to me," Alex said, patting the spot next to him. Ran shifted on his feet nervously, before walking over towards the couch and sitting next to the brunet.

Around the middle of the day, when Ran had woken up to answer Alex's text, he had a sudden flash of memory of the night before. From waiting in the park, to seeing a lime green car drop Alex off, to the vodka and the Never-Have-I-Ever game. And, of course, their make out session.

And so, Ran actually felt kind of awkward around the younger boy, which hadn't happened before, really. And Alex could sense the awkwardness coming off of Ran; the blond practically reeked of it.

"What's up with you?" Alex asked, finally speaking up.

Ran looked at Alex with a faux expression of confusion "what do you mean?"

"I'm sensing unrest and it's coming from you," the brunet pushed, and the blond shrugged.

"Dunno what you're talking about."

Alex glared at the elder half-heartedly, giving him a look that Ran could only describe as the 'don't give me that bullshit' look, but the brunet couldn't say anything as they were disrupted by Bristol coming back into the living room. She was holding a small container, that made Alex perk up at the sight of it.

The brunette rolled her eyes, tossing the container to the male brunet as he opened it, revealing tiny crystallized leaves.

"Where's your bong?" Alex asked, looking up at his best friend, and seeming to forget about Ran's presence.

"Calm down," she laughed, "I'll go get it. Put on whatever you want on Netflix." She said, throwing the Apple TV remote towards Alex so he can put on a show as she ran upstairs to go get her bong.

Of course, Alex's first choice was supernatural, and honestly Ran wasn't surprised. Alex looked like the type of person who would be watching a show like that.

So while Alex's gaze was fixated on the Winchester brothers on the screen, and Bristol was upstairs fiddling around for some bong, Ran just sat there, on the couch, not saying anything while screaming internally.

But of course, Alex wasn't stupid. He knew how people and how emotions worked, and that showed when he finally tore his gaze off of Dean and Castiel to look at Ran, once again, expectedly.

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