31||When the Sun Goes Down

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Although you're trying not to listen
I bet your eyes are staring at the ground
He makes a subtle proposition
I'm sorry love I'll have to turn you down

The second Ran had bounded down the stairs and entered the kitchen, he saw Greg waiting in line to get his pre-made sandwich. Nobody else was behind him, and so Ran took that spot at the back of the line. When the curly-haired brunet saw him, he gave an awkward and crooked smile.

"Well hello there." He greeted, still smiling uneasily.

Ran grabbed a plate as the line moved forward. "Um, hi." He said, nervously looking in every corner of the room except for Greg's eyes.

"What'chu up to."

"Nothing, just grabbing some food and a drink for Alex and I... Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something." Ran started, and judging by the way Greg perked up, he clearly thought he knew what was about to come up.

"Yeah sure. What's up?" He prompted, stirring the boiling water from the kettle into the chocolate powder.

"This morning you texted me, and said 'I had a great time last night' with a winky face and heart emoji." Ran explained. Concern was evident and obvious in the blond's face, and those said emotions matched with the tone in his voice.

"Yeah, and?" Greg had to prompt once more. He wasn't sure where this conversation was going anymore, but he was still willing to have it albeit a little confused.


The curly haired boy's facial expression immediately fell upon hearing that question. His smile dropped as well along with his mood.

"You don't remember?" He asked, clearly crestfallen.

Ran was confused as to why Greg sounded so disappointed. What could have possibly happened the previous night that was so joyous to the curly haired boy?

"Um... No." The blond admitted, still confused as no answers have been given.

"Hmm." Greg huffed, turning his vision away from Ran to look back at his plate.

An awkward silence emerged into the air, with Ran trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Was Greg trying to be passive-aggressive? The blond wasn't entirely sure, but what he did know was that it felt passive-aggressive. No words were spoken between the two as the line proceeded to move. However, the elder spoke up once more two minutes later when they had gathered all their food. He ran after Greg who was about to start his trek up the stairs.

"Hey, wait." He called, lightly grabbing the other boy's shoulder. It wasn't such a weak touch that Greg could easily slip out, but it was still firm enough to stop him from walking away.

"I still need an explanation." He said, sounding almost desperate. He even offered a sad-sounding laugh before he spoke his next sentence. "I don't remember anything, and I'm just concerned. I'm starting to worry Alex an-"

"So you and Alex are a thing, then?" Greg interfered.

Ran furrowed his eyebrows, befuddled as to why he was interrupted to be asked such a pointless question. He wasn't even sure if that was a valid question in the first place. It was fairly obvious the two were a couple.

"Umm... Yeah." The blond answered slowly. "Anyways, as I was saying, I'd really like to know what happened last night."

Greg shrugged nonchalantly. "We cuddled." He said. The statement was simple and vague, and his voice was as quiet as a rat scurrying into the sewers.

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