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I'm tired of being careful, gentle, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes,
I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?

"Well... Isn't this cute." Bristol remarked, smirking at the display put out in front of her.

Bristol had walked into their room that morning to awake the two boys before breakfast was over. The first meal of the day went from 8:00am-11:00am, and it was currently 10:30. The brunette was concerned that they would miss it, prompting her to enter the room. However, she couldn't help but make the snarky remark upon viewing the tangled limbs and cuddled mess that the blond and brunet had put themselves in. Alex's legs were intertwined with Ran's, and his arm was lazily drooped over the blond's side. The eldest was clutching the brunet tightly to his torso, while both boys slept.

For the sake of being able to mock Alex in the near future, Bristol quickly snatched her phone and snuck a picture of the couple. However, the loud 'snap' of the phone's camera caused the eldest to stir. The girl cursed her phone's loud volume under her breath, not realizing that the ringer was on such a high amplification. She coughed in her sleeve, trying to seem like she wasn't up to any mischief as Ran finally opened his eyes.

"Hey, uh, not to bother you or anything, but breakfast is almost over. Maybe you should head down so you don't starve to death." She informed, going back to her usual condescending manner. Although everyone who knew her were aware that she wasn't truly disdainful; she just acted in such a way for the sake of irony.

Ran groaned tiredly. He squinted his eyes as he tried to focus his blurry vision on the girl standing over him.

"What time is it?" He asked her.

"Almost 10:40. Breakfast ends at 11."


"Yep." She nodded, smiling in a manner meant to mock cheeriness. "See you downstairs."

After she closed the door behind her, Ran nudged Alex's arm gently with his elbow. The brunet stirred, and grumbled with irritation.

"Go away." He groaned.

"Good morning to you too, princess." Ran laughed. He smiled when Alex cuddled himself closer into the blond's chest.

"I want to sleep forever." The brunet complained. His voice was muffled over the fabric of Ran's t-shirt.

"Breakfast will be over soon." The blond countered, rubbing the younger's lithe back.

Alex sighed, but agreed to get out of bed nonetheless. After they finished getting dressed, they both stumbled down the stairs into the large dining room. The aroma of maple syrup, bacon, french toast and fresh berries circulated the broad area, only increasing Ran's large appetite.

The two boys gathered their plates and began taking their food from the buffet. As Alex was taking out various different types of berries, he glanced over at the table where everyone was sitting. He was grateful when he noticed that Bristol had saved two seats to her right for them. He really did not feel like sitting beside several unfamiliar people.

The brunet's eyes scanned the large family sitting at the table, attempting to see if he recognized anybody. He partially recognized Bristol's mother and father, who he had only met 4 times prior. His gaze met a familiar boy with curly, unkept brown hair, whom was looking back at him. Alex awkwardly nodded his head in acknowledgement. Greg did the same, glanced momentarily at Ran (whom was paying no attention as he grabbed half the stack of french toast), and then continued on with what he was doing.

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