11||We Don't Believe What's On TV

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We don't believe what's on TV
Because it's what we want to see
And what we want,
we know we can't believe. 
We have all learned to kill our dreams. 
I need to know, that when I fail you'll still be here. And if you stick around, I'll sing you pretty sounds

"Change it." Alex said, his voice extremely monotone as Bristol kept flipping through TV channels.

"...Change it." He said again, as the next channel lead to a Dr. Oz episode.

"Oh god, change it." This time, Ran grunted.

The three were actually at Alex's place. His mother was away for the whole night and wouldn't be back till the next day, and his father was, well, in jail. At least for the time being.

They were currently in the basement, as they had found a really old TV. One that had the antennas. They hooked it up to see if it would still work, and after several minutes of static white noise and about an hour of fiddling with the antennas, they finally got it to at least certain television channels.

"Wait wait wait, go back." Alex said, his posture becoming just the slightest bit better from where he was slumped on the couch.

"Why?" The girl asked.

"I think I saw 16 Candles..." He said, pupils dilating at the thought of one of his favourite movies.

Bristol flipped back a few channels, and then came to a halt when, indeed, 16 Candles was sounding quietly through the TV.

"Oh! Turn it up!" Ran exclaimed, having an adoration for the movie as well.

"It's already turned up all the way..." The brunet said, trailing off of his sentence as he noticed the blond was staring at him.

"What're you starin' at?" Alex asked, scoffing playfully.

"Nothing." The blond shrugged nonchalantly.

"Starin' at dat ass!" Bristol yelled, feeling like the third wheel and trying to break her awkwardness.

Ran actually bursted out laughing, as Alex glared at his long-time friend. Giving her a look that said 'I trusted you'.

As Ran settled down, he giggled a few more times before saying, "that too."

But that only made both him and Bristol to start laughing as Alex started to slap Ran's arm. Whether he was pretending to be unhappy or genuinely felt that way, no one really knew or cared.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll stop" the blond laughed, trying to breathe as his laughter settled down.

"I know my ass is out of this world and all, but ya'll don't have to eye rape me. Especially you, mister." Alex pouted, glaring at Ran again as he roughly poked the blond's shoulder.

"Hey," the elder whined, "that hurt."

"The sight of your face hurts." Alex retaliated.

"Yeah? Well your mom hurts."

"Yeah? Well your grandma hurts!" Alex yelled as Ran feigned offence, but both knew that they were all secretly enjoying this.

"Yeah? well fuck you" Ran said.

"In your dreams, buddy." The brunet smirked triumphantly.

Both Ran and Bristol enjoyed this side of Alex. This was his normal side, a sight none of them have been seeing in the passed two weeks. This was the normal, sassy, humorous, in-your-face Alex that the other teens had grown so accustomed to. He didn't look depressed, beaten down, ridiculed or ashamed like he had been looking and feeling the passed weeks, and all of them were much happier about it.

Although Alex certainly was starting to act differently, he didn't feel different at all. He still felt scared, beaten down, and even bullied and like he had been victimized. He had hoped that if he suppressed those feelings and acted like nothing was wrong, they would go away. But of course, that didn't happen.

Whenever Alex would talk to his therapist about it, she always suggested actually talking to his friends, or just generally someone he can trust. But I guess she didn't realize that she was that person, and was even being payed to be that person, and he was telling her everything but nothing was working out.

The brunet felt completely alone. He never knew who he wanted to talk to about such matters, and whenever he did, they didn't want to talk about it. So he couldn't really do much about it at all, and that's why he chose to just ignore it.

Alex was broken away from his thoughts by a pair of fingers snapping in front of him, trying to get him out of his depressing trance. He blinked a couple times, and then looked at the owner of the snapping, seeing Bristol.

"You good?" She asked.

He attempted a smile, sort of succeeding. "Yeah," he said, "sorry."

"It's cool." She smirked.

"I would dye my hair purple..." Bristol mentioned, pen cap in her mouth as she leaned back in her plastic chair.

The two teens were now in school, 2nd period: geography. They were sat in the back row, where honestly nobody else sat. That was partly the reason they claimed that row their spot in the first place.

They were supposed to be doing some type of work sheet that involved drawing patterns or some shit. But obviously, Alex got carried away with the whole drawing thing, and Bristol just got bored.

"Mhmm." Was all Alex said. He was focused on doodling on what was supposed to be a school assignment, but later became his tattoo planner.

"But like, not just straight up purple. It'd be like a purple ombré." The girl continued.

"I see." Alex nodded, not really paying attention or listening as he continued to draw a, so far, badass looking voodoo doll.

"I wonder if Kurt Cobain liked science."

And yeah.

That time Alex actually looked at her.


"Well like, Lithium is an element in the periodic table of elements, right?"


"And Kurt wrote a song called Lithium..."

Alex put down his sharpie pen, deciding to add to the conversation.

"Lithium is also used in medications to help treat mood swings and bipolar disorder. Kurt Cobain had manic depression, which is a form of bipolar disorder." He informed.

"Dude, ok. Get a laptop so we can look this up." The girl encouraged, becoming excited as she took her feet off the desk and sat up.

Before Alex could move at all, the bell rang, signalling lunch. The male brunet looked at Bristol apologetically before he shrugged and started packing his things.

The teen girl pouted. "Fuck this shit." She said.

Alex laughed shortly beside her. "We'll look it up when we leave for lunch, ok?"

"Where are we even going?"

"Coffee house." Alex replied.

"Tiffany's coffee house?"

"Yeah." He said, as the two took their final step out of the classroom.


Oh look, another really short chapter. Oopsie.

So uh yeah. That whole conversation about Kurt Cobain was actually based on a conversation I had with my friend in science class XD. Apparently Lithium is kind of hard to get because it's become a main ingredient in meth. But you can literally use electricity on lithium chloride (LiCl) and seperate the lithium from the chloride. And lithium chloride is even found in table salt and stuff. You can also buy it on ebay. Seriously. I checked.

It is that easy to make drugs...

So that was my fun fact for the day. Hope you enjoyed. The song in the title is We Don't Believe What's On TV by Twenty One Pilots.

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