20||Same Love

42 4 1

It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference
Live on and be yourself
When I was at church they taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service those words aren't anointed

Alex giggled as he tripped over his feet for about the 6th time that afternoon. Ran rolled his eyes, but grinned at his clumsy boyfriend. He wrapped the brunet's arm over his shoulder and around his neck, supporting the boy that had obviously just finished smoking copious amounts of weed.

The elder was admittedly also a little bit high himself, but he could still walk in a straight line. Alex, on the other hand, could barely talk without getting distracted by simple things found on the street they were walking on.

"Gosh. I can't imagine what you'd be like if you were drunk." Ran sniggered.

"But you've already seen me when I'm drunk." Alex confirmed. "That was the first night we ever made out, you silly goose." He giggled.

Ran rolled his eyes again, but continued supporting the brunet down the street. There were a few passers who gave them strange and judgemental looks, but the younger boy seemed not to notice as he focused his attention on unimportant objects.

For whatever reason, traffic seemed heavier that afternoon. However, Ran was confused as to why there were cars honking at each other. It's not like anyone was going particularly slow, and it wasn't rush hour either. He saw someone's window roll down, and throw out their plastic cup to where it splattered over the wall of a building.

Suddenly, Alex stopped walking (or stumbling, rather), and slapped Ran's chest to get his attention. "Dude! Check out that guy over there!" He yelled.

The elder's gaze followed Alex's outstretched and pointed finger. His stare landed on a man standing against a brick wall. He seemed to be middle aged, and was holding a large picket sign that read:

"God hates fags!"

There was also a decent sized crowd surrounding him. Whatever their relation was with this man, it didn't matter since they were holding up similar signs in the air as well. Suddenly, the reason for all the car honking and the trash throwing became more obvious. It was clear that this was a protest against gay rights, and said protesters were receiving classic signs of disapproval and objection.

The blond sniggered, enjoying the obvious hate the middle aged man and his fellow bigots were receiving.

"Wanna go make out beside him?" He asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows in a joking manner.

Alex scoffed. "Every gay couple does that in every book. We need to be original." He sighed.

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

The brunet pondered, looking around their surroundings expectedly. An idea sparked in his head upon spotting a dollar tree store across the street from where they were standing.

"Come on!" He urged, grabbing Ran's hand and stumbling over to the shop.

"Woah woah there." The elder laughed as Alex tripped into the store. He wrapped his arm around the brunet's waist to support him. "Careful there, buckaroo." He warned, and the younger boy laughed.

"That's a funny word." He giggled.

"Yeah yeah." Ran sighed, but a hint of amusement lingered in his tone. "Now tell me this plan of yours."

"Ok, buckaroo." Alex mocked, playfully punching Ran's arm. "So like, do you have money with you?"


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