Unspoken (Watty Awards 2011) Chapter Thirteen: What I Want Most..

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  • Dedicated to Tara Windsor

I met this girl during Aida rehersals and at first, I really didn't know her too well. But over the summer, I got into OPUS, and I got to know her a little better over the past four weeks. Then, she did a summer voulenteer help thing with me, and I got to know her even better. And now I think we're even closer :D I'm really glad I got to know her because she is a very good friend I'd like to get to know better <333


September 10th                                                                                             

Nothing really significant has happened recently. Lee and her group have been torturing me, but that’s not new. Rosalie is now sitting with us on an on-off schedule. And I still have no idea what I’m going to do with Lee for our duet, what I’m going to write about, and I think I have an idea for what I’m gonna paint.

That is a little unusual since normally, dancing comes to me the fastest, then writing, and finally my artwork. But if my brain wants to come up with ideas in a reverse order, I can’t stop it. So I maneuver my way through the crowd of people and run into the art room, slamming the door behind me. Mrs. Sheemus is at her desk and grins when she sees that I’ve arrived.

“So you’ve got some inspiration?” she questions. Nodding, I take out a sheet of computer paper. It won’t waste a canvas and I’ll just get my ideas down really fast so I can get back to math. I’ve missed four days of work. It’ll be hard enough to get the notes from someone, let alone learn the concepts.

I begin to draw, get frustrated, toss the paper away, and grab a new sheet. Capturing your ideas and molding it to fit on a small canvas is harder than it looks. That’s why I prefer writing and dancing; there are no limits. With painting, you only have so much room to create your inspiration. And that’s really hard when you’ve got a lot of inspiration.

Even when you think you got everything down, there’s still that tugging sensation that tells you you’re missing something. Some people shrug it off and finish. Others like myself have to figure out what we’re missing. Sometimes we find it; other times we don’t.

I think that’s a little like life. We’re always searching for something. We never know what it is, though. Some think it’s money, love, sex, food, it varies for every person. But don’t they see that isn’t what they need? I don’t know what we need, and I’ve been thinking about it for a while. And what happens when you’ve thought you found it? Eventually you’ll realize it’s not what you’re missing. So then what? Most people go searching again. See, that cycle repeats itself over and over again. And for those of us who know all that crap isn’t what we really need, we’re stuck knowing that. So how do we survive? It’s easy. We don’t.

But back to the art. What I’m working on now is just a sketch. It’s a scene where the moon is like a crescent and tiny stars dot the sky. A few shine brighter than the others.

Kinda like school. Everyone notices the brighter stars; the popular kids. You only notice the really bright ones.

The scene stretches down and you see the backs of two kids. The girls brown hair cascades past her shoulders to the small of her back. Her hands are resting on a blue blanket as she watches the sky. The boy next to her has shaggy black hair. Light from the moon shines on his head and his hand is resting on the girl’s hand. I plan on adding a few fireflies around the two, but I’m not too sure yet. That’s what I want most. Love. I know I said people like me don’t get sucked into that crap, but each of us slips into temptation every so often…

“What are you entering?”

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