Unspoken (Watty Awards 2011) Chapter Fourteen: Love with Him...

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Strubbe

So this goes to one of the sweetest girls I've ever met in the history of ever. When I had my OPUS audition, her and her sister were so suppourtive and awesome and sweet!! She gave me the confidence I realy needed. So this chaper goes out to you Sarah!!! <33333


September 10th                                                                                             

His voice makes me jump and lose my pencil. I scramble around, frantically looking for it. Mrs. Sheemus chuckles from her desk behind us and my face burns bright red.

“A love scene. Interesting nature isn’t?” Lawrence’s deep voice fills my ear and makes me swoon. Realizing I’m just sitting there blushing, I nod my head and begin adding shadows around the scene. “You know most people would stop there. Don’t you think it’s good enough?” without a backwards glance, I keep adding shadows to my art. “Well what would I expect? I know you too well, Em. Or at least I think I do.” He laughs to himself and takes a sheet of paper, plopping next to me.

Lawrence is a painter. No not a painter, an artist. The way his scenes unfold is breathtaking. It would make Picasso jealous, let alone me. He doesn’t sit with the outcasts plus me at lunch. He’s part of the Royal Family. In fact, rumor has it that he and Lee are together now. I can’t help it, I’m jealous. You know how I mentioned that I wanted love? This is who I want it with. And I know what you’re saying, thinking, etc. you two could be together. But I know that’s not true.

Why when you ask someone a serious question, does the person just stumble around and then just like about it to make you feel good? When you ask a friend something, you want the truth. You expect it. But most people lie so they don’t get in trouble for telling you the truth. And don’t say you don’t do that; you’re an “honest person.” I lie and I can’t even talk! I hear you do it daily. In fact, I think the reason people ask for advice is the have someone lie to us, so we don’t have to hear the truth. So you go along with it, and two months later, your heart is broken and you’re pissed. And that person who gave you that advice is saying how she knew it all along. Wasn’t she the person who gave you the advice in the first place? That’s how drama starts.

And for most people, love is what we want. It’s what causes the drama. It’s what makes us get up, live our lives. It’s what’s on our minds until our dying day.

And thinking about it, love is what I want too

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