Unspoken (Watty Awards 2011) Chapter Thirty Seven: Lost Memories...

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October 20th                                                                                      Rosalie POV

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I walk down the hallway to the guest room. Lawrence seemed completely wiped of any emotion when I mentioned Emma. And I thought he liked her. Well, he could’ve been hungover considering that Lee and everyone else had been drinking. But then again, everyone else had been drinking. But then again, didn’t he and Emma wanna leave early? My head throbs upon trying to remember all the details. Yeah, it’s like they were in a rush to do something…

Oh God.

It hit me then, why they wanted to leave early. No. She wouldn’t. Emma doesn’t stand for that. Wait, last night she was drunk. And Lawrence took advantage of that. He used her. Anger built up inside of me. The phone vibrates again and sighing, I answered the call. Scarlett.


“We’re on our way. I’ve got Emma’s costumes and everything. You guys ready?” I stop at the door and knock. Emma opened, showered and her hair neatly tied in a tight ballerina bun. Make up was layered over her face, making it appear more chiseled than usual. For someone who got wasted last night, she sure can clean up.

“You ready?” she nodded and looked at my hands. “Oh, your costume is on its way. Scar will be here in…” My phone vibrated and I looked at the text.


“Now.” I said. And right on cue, Scarlett came barreling through the hall. Huffing and puffing, she finally spoke.

“I’ve got your two costumes here!” she handed them to Emma. “I’ll be waiting in the car.” Emma and I walked into the guest room. I handed her the leotard and tights and began to talk.

“Did you do it?” she nodded.

“How do you know?” she gave me a look and continued to change. Silence filled the room and I asked her my final question.

“Do you remember it?” Emma didn’t do anything for a while, she just blankly stared ahead. She finally shook her head, grabbing her Pointe shoes and walking out the door.

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