Unspoken (Watty Awards 2011)Chapter Sixty Three: Miss Invisible

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December 7th

Today is the day. It’s the dance team feature show. Our school doesn’t call it a “talent show” because our school is kinda known for our arts program. So, we break up the talent show. The other day, the school had the “singing feature” so after exams, the student body sat down, listened to the choir talent show, and we voted on who we thought did the best. Rosalie one first. Tara second, and Dallas third.

(If I haven’t explained it before. I go to Summit County School of the Arts. Yes, I learn regular classes, but Dance is like my main class.)

Yesterday, we watched the drama department put on Hairspray. And tomorrow , the students will get to check out students artwork and writing to decide who wins. And that leaves today as the dance day.

I sit at my desk in history, anxiously waiting for it to be 10:00. I check the clock for the tenth time today. 9:59. Damnit. One more minute. I stare at the clock intently. Just waiting for the minute to pass.

“Please let the dance students leave and go to the dance studio.” The intercom blasted.

But I had already bolted out the door.

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There was a ton of commotion as Mrs. Johnson handed us the list of orders.

“Remember my name.” Jazz group.

“Mr. Pinstripe.” Tap group (and Tar so teach her)

“Walking on Air.” Emma/Lee jazz duet

“Hot Honey Rag” Landry/Tara tap Duet

“Secrets” Dallas modern solo

“The Time is Now” Lee jazz solo

“Miss Invisible or Mercy” Emma, make a choice

“Disturbia” Class routine

So I was in “Remember my name,” “Mr. Pinstripe,” “Walking on Air,” “Miss Invisible” and “Disturbia.”

Costume were scattered around the dance room as we all searched for what we needed. I saw out of the corner of my Lee helping, er-tormenting, Tara about the tap dance. Dallas saves the day, shoving Tara how it goes. Lee glares at them.

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It was almost time for my solo. All our numbers went well. “Mr. Pinstripe,” “Hot Honey Rag,” “Secrets,” and “The Time is Now” got standing ovations. And now it was my turn.

My back arched, I did all sorts of leaps, turns, and just fancy stuff that really captured the audience.

And here it came. Fifteen fouette turns. It’s a turn with a quick change in the direction behind the supporting leg, or a quick whipping around of the body from one direction to another. If you don’t get it, look it up on YouTube. Anyway, I’m scared because well, last time I did a bunch of turns, I shattered my leg.

But I put on a smile and did fifteen fouette turns. And the audience went crazy. When I put my leg behind my head, the audience freaked.

And before I knew it, the song was done. Crap. I had a quick change before my feature in “Disturbia.”

Thankfully, Mrs. Johnson took the stage and a microphone as the curtain closed. I ran and changed into a black tattered piece of cloth. Well, in other words, I was basically in a tattered  bra and tattered spandex. And then, I was fastened onto a rope that lifted me above the stage so the audience couldn’t see me. And a plastic chandler was then hung. Yes, at a point in the song, I drop onto the chandler.

Yes, it’s very dangerous.

But Mrs. Johnson put me here for a reason. Plus, I get a solo. So as long as I don’t fall, I’ll be fine.

And then the music starts.

I watch as the dancers below me do all sorts of creepy poses that make me cringe and wince. Seriously, Mrs. Johnson should’ve warned everyone not to try any of this at home.

Then again, no one listens to that.

I tense up as the bridge plays.

“Release me from this curse I’m in

Trying to remain tame, but I’m struggling

You can’t go oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

I think I’m gonna…”

And I drop. So fast, it’s scary. I safely land on the chandler. The audience stands and cheers. I unfasten the clip, and I do a flip as I jump down from the top of the hanging chandler. Now, I head to center stage as all the other dancers freeze. I dance alone during the chorus. The audience is still standing and cheering. Some kids chant my name.

I wouldn’t take away this feeling for the world.

And it ends too soon.

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We’re all waiting on the stage for the solo results. Lee and I didn’t win our duet. Landry and Tara did. I mean I really didn’t care, their duet was really good. Like really good.

“In third place…DALLAS!!!” the audience claps and a few kids cheer as she takes center stage and bows.

“Lee and Emma, come downstage.” Lee and I stand and join Dallas in the spotlight.

“One of you got first, the other second. Your peers have voted, and the winner is…..”

“LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I frown but quickly smile and take a bow. It doesn’t matter what they say. What matters is what the judges think of me at nationals. But I can’t stop an aching in my heart. I lost to Lee. Again.

“Looks like I won.” Lee whispers to me as we go back to sit down.

For now.

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