Chapter 14

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-=Jacky's Point of View=-

     "Come on!" I yelled when my call with Nina was cut short. I knew her service must've expired, she had been planning on paying it today. "What did she say?" Silverblaze asked. "She's in Firgrove with a friend of yours" I replied "I'm guessing Sunny, since you said they'd probably be in the same place" Silverblaze perked up at the thought of Sunny escaping Dark Core. The way he acted when he heard about her made me wonder if they weren't just friends. "Well we need to go to Firgrove!" he said stamping his hoof impatiently. "Silverblaze, it's the middle of the night" I reminded him. A glance at my phone told me it was a little after 12:30 in the morning. "Yeah, it's the middle of the night and I'm pretty tired!" Sapphire added. I looked over there to see My brushing the dried blood off his neck to see how badly he'd been hurt. "My you're using the brush wrong" I said laughing. I walked over and show her how to brush a horse. "Oh. Thanks" she said laughing at herself. Sapphire looked alright, the rope hadn't hurt him that badly. I went to check on Oreo and found him standing again. He looked more alert as well. "How are you doing boy?" I asked him stroking his face. He neighed loudly and reared in reply causing me to laugh. Oreo could be such a show off sometimes. I remembered once we were at a show and he did that when I showed him our first place ribbon and some girl had given me a dirty look and said to train my horse. While she was saying that her horse jerked the lead rope out of her hand and took off. Once she ran after her horse, I'd fallen over laughing. I knew the difference between when my horse was showing off and when he was misbehaving. He would show off in situations where there was something to be proud of, such as a ribbon, or in situations like today, where I was worried and he wanted to show he was alright and get a laugh out of me. He never did it while I was on him, or leading him. I sat down in the stall next to Oreo, who laid down and put his head in my lap. "Poor Oreo, you've been pushed to hard lately" I whispered to my horse. First he'd made his leg injury worse by galloping, and today after that was healed he'd been asked to run to far and nearly fainted. I felt horrible about it, what kind of horse owner was I to let this all happen to my horse? Oreo sensed how guilty I felt and nosed my face, trying to reassure me he didn't blame me. It helped me feel a little better, but the guilt still wouldn't leave me. I was unable to sleep at all with today's events on my mind, and ended up sitting with Oreo until the sun started to rise.

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