Chapter 10

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We raced across the fields as fast as we could and when we saw what was happening my mouth dropped open. There was a girl on a friesian who had tied a rope around a horse's neck and was trying to force him to go somewhere. I wished Silverblaze was here now, he'd know what to do more then I would. I knew I needed to do something though. "Get on with Kate instead" I told My quickly. She didn't question me, and climbed on behind Kate and Fox. "Let's go Oreo" I told my horse. We took off running down the hill towards the poor horse. I could see the horse better from here, his neck was bleeding from having a tight rope on it that was being pulled pretty hard. He had black fur and a bright blonde mane. The girl noticed me and to my surprise shot some kind of dark energy from her hand aiming for my head. I ducked, barely avoiding the blast. Dang it this girl is magic and probably way more experienced then me I thought to myself. As she continued to attack me I realized I had no choice but to retaliate with magic. I knew my friends would have tons of questions after this but I blasted the rope with fire, causing the girl to drop it in surprise. It broke in half, freeing the horse. "Run!" I yelled to the horse who bolted right when I said that. The girl attacked me again, and I knew I didn't have surprise on my side this time. I could see the girl's face now as she turned her attention to me. I couldn't see her eyes because of her sunglasses, but she has long blonde hair that was covered by a black and white winter hat. She had a blue sweater on and black pants, which matched her friesian's coat perfectly. We continued to fight until Oreo surprised us both by rearing and kicking the girl off her horse. I decided now was a good time to get out of here, and turned Oreo and urged him into a gallop. "Let's go!" I told the others racing past them. They quickly joined me in my mad gallop off the fields and I was surprised to see the horse we helped following as well. But it wasn't over, and the girl gave chase shooting magic at us again. I knew I was the only one able to fight back so I let the others get ahead of me and shot fire back at the girl. She was mostly focusing on me which I was glad about as it meant the others had more of a chance of escaping. Suddenly, Chip tripped hard enough that he fell to the ground Nina just barley jumping off on time to avoid getting her leg crushed. Oreo slid to a stop without me even asking but the girl on the friesian got to her first. Before I could run over there and help. Somebody else shot magic at me from behind a bush. I couldn't see them, but I fired back cause the bush to catch on fire. When I looked I saw the girl had grabbed Nina and was racing off with her. I heard the bushes move indicating the other person had followed. I was about to run after them when Oreo literally collapsed under me. I jumped off as he fell to the ground and ran over to his head. He was breathing heavily and looked close to fainting. I realized he'd been pushed to hard, all the running and fighting had been to much for him after all the time he'd had to not being worked. I had started to get him back into it, but it had only been about a week he just wasn't ready to gallop as far as we did. The others all came back looking concerned. "Are you OK? I saw Oreo collapse!" Kate said. She then noticed Chip, who had gotten up and looked upset as if he assumed it was all his fault Nina was gone. "Where's Nina!?" Kate asked frantically. I told them what had happened. "We need to get back, Oreo could use some rest" I added at the end. The horse who we has saved looked upset also but he kept nosing My's arm. He looked alright other then his neck bleeding a little. I quickly looked over Chip to see he wasn't injured, and Oreo just has been overworked. I got on Chip, not wanting to push Oreo any harder. "Can you stand?" I asked my horse. He slowly did so and was soon on his feet. We set off at a slow trot back to the stables Kate and My questioning me the entire way. I kept telling them I'd explain back at the stable. I wanted Silverblaze with me to explain this, he knew more then I did. So instead of answering questions I spent the ride back hoping Nina was alright.

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