Your welcome for that ending lol. The story isn't over, the sequel will be named Golden Flames so keep an eye out for that. The following characters are based on people I know who deserve credit:
Jacky = myself
Nina = star_stable_addict
Kate = eitaweitak
My = Gravityuniversefreak
Colette = @colette_westbaker (that's her Instagram)
Jane Lionforce and Willow Fishcake are based on extra star stable accounts me and star_stable_addict have. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next book 😉
Silver Flames
Fantasy*Note: This story may also be star stable based but it is not related in any way to "The Black Horse" it is a completely different plot* Jacqueline Zebrablanket like many other equestrians enjoys life on Jorvik, an island filled with with horses. Bu...