Chapter 28

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-=Jacky's Point of View=-

An hour later, me and Nina has just finished up our sandwiches. Just as we were throwing our food away, I heard the sound of galloping horses. I looked up to see Oreo and Chip racing towards us. "Oreo!" I cried out hugging the horse as he came up. "I thought I said to go home, you clearly had other ideas" I said to him. Oreo must know something, he's known that command and practiced it for a long time. If there was anything I'd learned by owning him, it's that Oreo only did something like that when it was important. Once he'd refused to be bridled, and I'd taken a look to see the left rein almost broken. I noticed Nina has hugged Chip as well. "Why do you think they came?" I asked Nina. Before she could reply a voice said "I could tell you why" I looked over to see the voice has come from Oreo. "Why did you? And how did you talk?" I asked him. Oreo told me the entire story, starting with when he and the other two decided to come find us. I was relieved to here Kate was alive and not captured. But My had been captured. "So Sapphire and Fox went to go look for My?" I asked. "Yeah" Oreo replied. I hoped the horses would be alright. From what I'd just heard, Sapphire was pretty tough though, they'd probably be alright. I heard hooves behind me and turned to see Silverblaze and Sunny trot out, the little foal in between them. "Oh Sunny had her foal!" Oreo exclaimed. "What's his name?" Chip then asked. "Pepper" Sunny replied sounding proud. The foal sort of shifted away from Oreo and Chip, he was probably nervous everything was new to him. "Hi little guy" I said soothingly crouching down to the ground with him. He seemed nervous but Silverblaze whispered "It's alright" and the little foal slowly walked up to me. "Hi Pepper" I said stroking his neck. He gave a little nicker in reply. I then stood up and went back to Oreo. "I'm so happy to see you" I told him. I loved this horse, he honestly meant the world to me. "Me too" he told me. We walked into the stable to get Oreo and Chip each a stall. Afterward we sat in silence for a bit. I leaned against Oreo's side, relaxing. After about twenty minutes out of nowhere my beloved horse whispered "Darkness is coming"

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