Chapter 3

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AN- third chapter in one night. ermm yeah keep reading, it does get better trust me ;-)

From: Sophh<3

Hey, up for a Skype?:DXx

I grinned as I saw that text from my cousin. I opened up Skype on my laptop and called her.

"Hey!" I said as her face appeared on the screen.

"Top of the morning to you!" she said and we both laughed.

"Hows BoraBora?" I asked. She looked gorgeously tanned. Jealous!

"It's beautiful! Paradise, truly paradise!"

"Aw good! How's Harry?" I smirked and she blushed furiously.

"He's great, he's in the shower as we speak!" I rolled my eyes. Sophie was dating HarryStyles out of One Bloody Direction. Alison was still in the dark about that, as if I told her I was releated to one half of Smiles then she would probably fangirl kill herself. 

"Anyway! Have you heard OneWayOrAnother?!" she said, as she scrolled down her phone.

"My ears still haven't recovered from the squeakiness of autotune! Oasis, that's who you should listen to, give your ears a rest!" I lectured her as she moaned.

"Shut up Jess! Godd! Have you heard from Casey?" Casey, my other cousin she was on about.

"Yeah! She's fine, she's gone down to Cornwall for a few days for work..." I said vaguely.

"Good, I'm glad!" she said.

"Hey Soph, you will never believe what happened to me-" I was cut short by someone yelling to Sophie.

"Yeah, hold on a second!" she yelled back, "I gotta go Jess, speak soon yeah?" I nodded and the call disconnected. Another lonely night in. My flat a few streets from the Starbucks where I worked was small, but the perfect size for me. I had decked it out in cute furniture from IKEA and it was my favourite place. I decided to flick on the TV and none other than OneWayOrAnother was on. The blonde one was in the shower and I rolled my eyes at how immature it was. Then suddenly, a group shot of them came on and then I noticed. Niall was on the screen. Everything all made sense now. Why he went so quiet after I complained about them; why he was so offended that TheWanted had released a song on the same day as them, after all they were deadly enemies, everybody knew that. I took out my phone. I had an angry phone call to make.