Chapter 10

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We had decided to go ice skating. Well actually, Louis had decided and we couldn't argue as he was so determined.  

We all piled into their huge LandRover, Louis driving with Liam next to him, Zayn Harry and Sophie in the middle, and me and Niall in the back. 

"i'm not sure if we should trust them back there all alone!" Zayn smirked as me and Niall both blushed. The car ride was full of crazy singing and Screaming at Louis to be careful with his driving. 

We were all so thankful when we arrived at the ice rink as we had got their alive. 

Harry swiped out a credit card to pay for us and I went to protest but Sophie grabbed my arm. 

"Don't argue with him Jess, he hates that. If he wants to pay, he will pay!" she whispered as he typed in his PIN. 

i sighed and went and queued up to get my ice skates with the wristband i was given. 

"Are you Niall Horan's girlfriend?!" someone shrieked behind me. I whipped round to see a little girl, her big brown eyes wide with delight.  

"Erm..." I began, "not girlfriend exactly..." I said sheepishly. 

"Oh! Well its just that I saw this today!" the girl replied and began digging in her bag for something. She pulled out a copy of HELLO magazine and on the cover was me and Niall, running hand in hand to his flat. I became bewildered. Not with the fact that people mistook me for Niall's girlfriend, but the fact I was on the cover of HELLO magazine! 

"Where did you get this?" I asked her, kneeling down to her level. 

"My Mom brought it for me as it had a OneDirection pull out! Do you think you could sign it for me?!" she practically begged. She was one of the nicer directioners. 

"How about I sign this for you... and you could ask your Mom if you could come over here with me and meet them?" I suggested, laughing as her face lit up. 

"M-m-m-meet OneDirection?!" she stammered and ran off to her Mom, a skinny looking woman talking to the woman behind the counter. She looked over to me and I smiled and waved and she nodded and she ran back to me. 

"Whats your name sweetie?" I asked as I took her hand and walked over to where the boys were. 

"Katy," she replied. 

"Ok then Katy, here is OneDirection!" I said and as we turned the corner they were all standing with their skates on and were waiting for us. Niall looked confused at me holding hands with this random girl, but he understood when she ran towards them and hugged them screaming. Quickly, she ran back to me and hugged me. 

"Thank you so much!!!" she shrieked and ran back to the boys and I got my skates on.

"Come on!" I said as we took our first few steps on the ice. Sophie took off straight away, tugging Harry's hands as he stumbled. I was ok on the ice, watching as Zayn Liam and Louis gripped onto each other laughing and spluttering desperately. 

"Jess!" Niall yelled from the rubber area. I glided over to him confused. 

"Come on Niall!" I took his hand in mine and felt the electricity surge through me. 

"I... I'm scared!" he said quietly. 

"Aw Niall don't worry, i will help you!" I encouraged and he looked into my eyes and smiled. I took both of his hands in mine and pulled him gently. I skated backwards carefully and skilfully. Soon Niall got the hang of it and we just drifted into our own bubble, skating around the ink effortlessly. 

"WATCH OUT!!!!" Louis screamed but it was too late. Niall looked at me in horror and Louis zoomed towards us. Louis was pulling Zayn and Liam in a triangle shape but he was losing control of his feet. They hit us and we all fell to the ground in a heap. 

"Owch..." I muttered but we all started laughing.

Maybe One Direction weren't as bad as I thought...

AN awrh i love this chapter its so cute! will update later guys x

jess xx