Chapter 27

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"Jess..."Niall whispered softly to me.

"Mpphmm..." I mumbled sleepily, the light blinding my eyes. I hated being woken up, I liked to be wake up naturally.

"Jess the flight leaves in three hours, we need to get ready..." Niall said and he climbed out of bed, leaving me to stretch and wonder about the day.

What if his parents didn't like me?

Would I even like them?

Would they be nice to me?

I groaned and lay back onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow with a thump. Just as I felt my eyelids becoming heavy again, the sound of running water stopped and Niall called me to get in the shower.

I let the water run clean the tackiness of Christmas. I loved Christmas while it lasted,  but then after it was done I wanted everything to go back to normal, the decorations away, the shops changing their Christmas deals to the New Years sale billboards.

I dried myself quickly with a towel and got dressed into leggings that rolled up at the hem a little, my BOY LONDON jumper and some black Vans.

"You ready?" Niall said, grabbing both of our suitcases (we had packed the night before).

"Come on, or we'll be late!" I replied, grabbing my suitcase from him and gripping his hand.

"Hey guys!" Louis said. He was always the early riser.

"I guess this is our leaving party then!" I joked. Louis stopped eating his banana and looked around.

"You got that right!" he said and grinned, showing banana mush in between his teeth, lovely.

"We'll probably grab some breakfast in the airport Lou, so tell the others we'll see them in a few days!" Niall said, giving him a man hug. Louis pretended to wipe tears from his eyes and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Gee thanks Lou..." I said, smoothing out my shirt.

"See you!" Niall said and then we walked out the door. I sucked my breath in at the cold morning air. Boxing day, 6am in the morning, yes it was bound to be cold. I ran back inside the flat and grabbed my new coat and felt instantly warmer.

"Definitely going now Lou!" I called and slammed the door shut. 

"Better?" Niall teased and I rolled my eyes as he linked my arm. The car was waiting for us and we jumped in, warming up instantly.


I couldn't wait for Jess to meet my family. She definitely felt like something special and I had to get her to meet my family, they needed to approve of her, but let's face it, who wouldn't?

We grabbed some Danish pastries in Starbucks and took a slow walk to the gate, swinging our arms that were entwined.

"Niall..." Jess said as we waited for the plane to take off.

"Yarrrsss..." I replied, curious.

"I'm... I'm kinda nervous... What if your family don't like me?!" she said and I couldn't honestly believe what I was hearing. Why on EARTH would Jess need to be nervous? She was perfect inside and out, so why was she upset?

"Jess... Why on EARTH would you even think that!" I asked astonished.

"Niall, you make me feel so special and perfect but let's face it, I'm clearly not!" she blushed painfully.

"Oh Jess, just listen to me! You are perfect inside and out to ME. To ME. I don't care what anybody else thinks, what the haters think, what my parents even think for goodness sake! You are mine and that's not going to change!" I exclaimed, taking my hands in hers.