Chapter 24

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"JESS!" Louis screeched as me and Niall entered the flat, soaking wet from the snow.

"Hey Louis- LOUIS!" I screamed as Louis flung me over his shoulder and ran through the flat, laughing his head off.

"Lou, don't break my girlfriend please!" Niall called as he took his coat off.

"Twitter time!" I heard Liam say.

"No no no no no!" I said firmly, but I heard the snap of a camera as the blood rushed to my head, not helped with the flash of the camera. 

"Urgh I hate you guys! Now Louis PLEASE put me down!" I said, thumping my fists on his back. He laughed evilly and he carried me into the bathroom and plonked me down in the round jacuzzi bath.

"Are you serious?!" I said as he left the bathroom quietly. What a bunch of freaks, I thought. I shrugged my coat off and saw some sweatpants and a shirt on the worktop. I inspected them and they were Nialls, so I locked the door and jumped in the shower, washing away the cold harshness of the snow. I towelled myself dry then pulled on Niall's clothes. I quickly towel-dried my hair then put it into a messy topknot. 


"So guys, what are we doing for Christmas? We're definitely doing it here, aren't we?" Jess said, walking into the room wearing my clothes I left in the bathroom this morning. She looked so hot.

"All I know is that you need to come and kiss me!" I said, and pulled her by the waist so she fell into my lap and placed her lips against mine.

"PDA alert..." Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"You can hardly talk!" Liam defended us and Harry just ruffled his curls around.

"Where is Sophie anyway?" I asked.

"Work, I thinkk..." Jess replied and I nodded and she flopped down on the seat next to me, leaning into my side.

"Christmas then!" I returned back to the subject.

"Well the venue is definitely this flat!" Louis confirmed. Jess glared at him and he came over to us and knelt down in front of us.

"Jessica, I am deeply sorry deep in my bones, oh so deeply sorry! I'm rolling in the deep bed of sorry..." he explained crazily while Jess giggled. He then burst into a chorus of Adele's RollingInTheDeep.

"Snap out of it Lou!" Zayn said, coming into the room sleepily.

"I thought you were taking a nap?"Harry said.

"I was in fact, until my unofficial alarm clock woke me up with some very off-key Adele singing! Well I think he is turning into my official alarm clock as he manages to wake me up every single time I'm sleeping!" he growled. Jess looked at me and smiled when he said 'WakeMeUp and I knew exactly what she mean from when I came to her flat and sung to her, before the tour. Zayn and Louis were bickering playfully until Jess flipped.

"Louis, thank you for the lovely apology, it was very unique, and Zayn I am sorry he woke you, but maybe he shouldn't have had to apologise to me if he hadn't have carried me upside down to my disagreement! But guys PLEASE! Christmas plans!" she exclaimed. Zayn flopped onto the seat next to Harry and Louis nodded at me gratefully and crawled back to his armchair he was sitting in.

"Oh and Lou... Pull your trousers up?" she giggled, her hands over her eyes as Louis's backside was in full view as he crawled.

"Right so Christmas..." I said. We all stayed silent until Louis stood up and froze in an excited position.

"You look like those fangirls who stalk us!" I laughed at my own joke.

"Honestly Niall, they don't stalk us! Well not much anyway! I've got the perfect idea! We can have a giant sleepover in this flat!" he said, waving his arms about like a chicken. We all exchanged an impressed look.

"Yeah! Why not!" Harry said, agreeing with Louis. We all nodded and then got a pen and paper and wrote down everything we would need seeming as we had never really done Christmas ourselves.

"Roast turkey,the trimmings, decorations we have... Erm... We need the presents! And the Christmas pudding! And we need red wine! Especially seeming as its Christmas!" Jess said excitedly. We wrote it all down on a big piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge. Everything was needing to be tripled since we would be having: Me, Jess, Harry, Sophie, Louis, Liam, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, Zayn, Casey and Luke. A lot of people! I smiled and hugged jess tight. This would be the best Christmas ever.

AN: Filler chapter alert! Haha!Hope it was ok, it was a bit random, but next chapter should be good! keep reading please guys ilyl!

-jess xxx