Chapter 9

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"Do you want to get some breakfast?" Niall asked me as we heard the others clattering about outside the room.

"I'm still stuffed from last night, but i suppose some cereal wouldn't hurt.

"Come on then!" he said as we got out the bed.

"HERE THEY ARE THE HAPPY COUPLE!" Louis screeched at the top of his voice causing a sleepy Zayn to stumble out of his room wondering what all the commotion was about.

"What the... LOUIS!" he cursed and fell back into his bedroom as Louis laughed.

"Is there only you awake?" Niall asked.

"Erm well yeah!" he replied.

"You sure do make a lot of noise for one person Lou!" Niall laughed and Louis just bowed. I was giggling nervously, still not quite sure what to make of this strange boy.

"It's alright love, I am human!" he said as if he could read my mind.

"Even though he don't act like it!" Niall whispered to me once his back was turned.

Who wouldve thought i would be in One Direction's house considering I hated them?


I couldn't let her go this easily, I had to see her more.

"What are you doing today Jess?" I asked as we shovelled cereal into our mouths.

"Well I was going to go back home and revise, but if you wanted to do something then I guess it could wait?!" she replied.

"YAY!" Louis squealed like a girl as she laughed. Louis started dancing round the kitchen clutching his bowl of Coco-Pops. I shook my head and gave Jess an apologetic look. She grinned at me and I could tell she didn't mind us; our life; the fame; she liked me for me.

Today should be a perfect day...

AN- sorry its a bit rubbish! will try and update more promise!

jess xx