Chapter 15

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Niall hadn't really said anything today, he seemed really troubled by something. I knew the girls were having a sleepvoer tonight and I was surprised when I had an incoming call from Sophie at around ten o'clock.

"Hey babe!" i said, going into my bedroom for privacy.

"Harry, how was Niall been today?" she asked.

"Well hello to you too little missy!" I grumbled, a bit hurt she was asking about Niall.

"Harry, please, this really isn't the time-" she whined and I smiled.

"Only messing love... Erm- well he's been really down and in his room. and the worst thing is... he hasn't eaten all day!" Sophie gasped.

"Harry, if I tell you what has happened do you promise not to tell anybody?!" she warned.

"You can count on me! I'm worried about him, please tell me?" I said then she told me everything, about how Jess had pretended to be asleep on Niall. Wow, that must've killed him. 

"So he doesn't know she pretended to be asleep?" I double-checked.

"Well, that's what we aren't sure about..." she seemed tense.

"So why exactly did you call apart from to talk to me?" I could almost see her grinning.

"Jess has just took off and left, I think she's coming to yours so just listen out for the door!" we said our goodbyes and I went back into the other room.

"What's up mate?" Zayn said, looking up from his phone. I briefed all the boys on what had happened between Jess and Niall. They were all shocked, and as Louis was about to go see if he was ok, Jess stumbled through the door.


It was easy to get into their flat, the door was ajar anyway! I stumbled into the living room where four pairs of eyes fell on me, then I realised I was in leggins, a white t shirt, a parka and black nike blazers with a pink swish.

"You really should lock that!" i said and I searched the room for Niall.

"He's in his room Jess..." Liam said quietly and I nodded. They probably knew what was going on were annoyed at me too. I quietly walked down the corridor to the furthest door and knocked on it quietly.

"Come in..." a hoarse voice said. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Niall sprung up from the bed and came closer to me.

"Jess?" he said, confused. I would be confused too if my girlfriend who I was upset with had randomly knocked on your door in mis-matched clothes at 10pm at night.

"I think I have some explaining to do..." I said then I sat him down on the bed and I shrugged my shoes and coat off and sat opposite him.

"Niall, for a long time I have felt as though I love you, and I was too scared to tell you in case you didn't feel the same, and last  night, you told me you did-"

"Oh god you were awake weren't you?! Why didn't you say something?!" he paused then thought about it, "you don't feel the same do you?" he said, tears welling in his eyes. 

"Niall shush, please don't cry! I love you Niall, I do but I was just so scared and then I realised that I was being such an idiot! Of course I love you! I've loved you since the day you walked into Starbucks!" tears were freely running down my cheeks now.

"Oh Jess!" he said and he wrapped his arms around me, and we both fell backwards onto the bed. He reached his lips down to mine and kissed me. I sat up and sat on his lap and kissed him. His kisses were addictive and I always felt like I couldn't get enough.

"I love you..." he breathed, our noses brushing in an eskimo kiss.

"I love you too..." I replied then smiled and hugged him tightly.