Chapter 4

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AN sorry the last chapter was sort of a filler :/

I was fuming at him. He lied to me!

"Hello?" a Doncaster voice said.

"Is this Niall's phone?" I said angrily. 

"Oohhhhh! Nialler's got a GIRL calling him!" yes it was Niall's phone then. I heard rustling and then suddenly Niall came onto the phone.

"Hey Jess, I didn't expect it to be you!" he said. 

"Hold up Niall... You never told me you were in OneDirection!" I exclaimed, gripping the phone tighter. He sighed deeply.

"I know... I know..." he said.

"Why?" I said, softer this time, knowing he was ashamed.

"Because, I knew you would go off me! You hated us in the shop!" he explained.

"Niall, you still could've told me! I don't judge people, I like to get to know them first!" I said, laughing at how... well cute he was!

"So... we good?" he asked hopefully. I laughed and loosened my grip on my phone.

"We're absolutely fantastic!" I said.

"Can I take you out then?" he asked quickly. Wow, he sure didn't hang around.

"As in... a date?" i replied.

"Erm... Yeah kinda... Well i mean its okay if you don't want to i mean well-" he stammered, clearly nervous.

"Niall! Calm down! Of course i'll come on a date with you!" I giggled.

"Well text me your address and I will pick you up around seven?" he suggested.


"Just like you..." I could've sworn I heard him mutter, but I thought nothing of it and hung up.


I had just gotten off the phone with Jess. I hadn't been able to get her off my mind. Accidentally, well not really accidentally, but I hadn't been honest with her about who I was. Then Louis was texting El off my phone and she rang and of course, Lou being Lou, he answered it.

"Niall's got a girlfriend! Niall's got a girlfriend!" Louis sang as I walked into the room. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him. He stretched his legs out onto lap.

"Thanks Niall, ahh this is the life eh? Now you've got a hot girl, you have everything!" Louis sighed as he leaned his head back.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I protested.

"But you've asked her on a date haven't you?" Zayn chipped in and smirked.

"None of your business!" I scoffed and began to text Jess again. She really was perfect. Long blonde hair, green eyes that I seemed to get lost in, everything about her blew my mind.

To: Jess ;)

hey, sorry about louis, he's kinda immature for his age... :$ x

From: Jess ;)

dont worry about it, its fine!xx

"Two kisses!" Liam sounded impressed as he read over my shoulder.

"Shove off Li!" I said, pushing him away. He laughed and sat on the armchair and began tapping on his own phone.

To: Jess ;)

btw did you really hate owoa? i loved it!xx

From: Jess ;)

It wasn't that bad I suppose... I have my own confession to make... i'm related to soph, who's goin out with harry, from your band right?Xx

To: Jess ;)

We're even now, Banksyy ;)xx

From: Jess ;)

sure thing horan...xx