Chapter 18

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AN heres a nice big chapter for you see you belowwwww


Tonight was the night. TakeMeHomeTour was finally kicking off! Wembley arena here we come! We have come so far since the x factor, it's unbelievable. I couldn't wait for LittleThings either as we all had a surprise for the girls. And plus the amazing 5SOS would be opening for us. They really are such a good band, great lads too. I smiled as I saw I had a text from Jess.

From: Jessicaaa <3

Hey baby, have a great show tonight, i will probs see you later but i want to tell you now, see  you backstage lyl <3xx

I smiled and flicked my phone off. I loved that girl. 


I was late, as usual to meeting the girls. I stepped off the tube and hurried to Starbucks where they were waiting for me. I had just sent Niall a cute text, hopefully getting him ready for tonight.

"Oh here she is!" muttered Danielle as I strolled in, dumping my bag on the tabletop.

"You're late little missy!" Sophie scorned me. She didn't like it when I called her that now she was using my words against me. She smiled evilly when she realised I had caught on.

"Come get a coffee with me?" I said, pulling her up.

"Do you guys want anything?" she said to Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor. They shook their heads so we went up to the queue. 

"You never did tell me what happened with Niall..." she said as we waited in the mile-long line

"Well don't tell anyone? Not even the others? He sung EdSheeran wake me up to me with his guitar and we ended up crying together..." I whispered.

"Aw Jess that is so CUTE!" she whisper-squealed. I hugged her and we pulled apart as the cashier was asking us what we wanted. 

After we finished our coffees in Starbucks, we finally hit the shops. Our one goal, to find a new outfit each for tonight. Perrie and Eleanor found an outfit in the first store, Topshop. Eleanor, a tight fitting black floral dress with a skirt that stuck out, and Perrie a purple shift dress with a gold sparkly colour. Nothing struck my eyes in this shop, so we went into RiverIsland. Danielle found a stuning black dress that hugged her figure with cut-out panels on the side that were outlined with white.

Sophie and me still were outfit-less, so as we headed into NewLook, I prayed I would find something in here as all the other shops were a bit too expensive.

Finally, I saw it. It was a fake leather dungaree styles dress with a skater skirt at the bottom with a white crop top attatched to wear underneath it. I ran to it and they had one size 8 left, perfect. I bought it and Sophie brought a white lace dress with a brown belt near the bust. 

We all went back to El's flat to get ready. Her flat was huge, and we all piled into her bedroom to get changed and do our hair. The boys had a car picking us up at six, so we had an hour to get ready. We took it in turns to shower, working out who's hair would take the longest to dry so I jumped in last. 

Everyone shared the getting ready, I did Perries make up while Danielle was doing my hair it was a fun time overall. My outfit went together perfectly, the white top ending just below my boobs and it complimented my flat stomach I had worked so hard for. The leather skater skirt and top slipped over the top and I loved it, wearing my black vans with it. We all looked stunning and took a photo and I made it my twitter cover, my actual display picture being one of me and Niall kissing, the day we released our relationship officialy. I smiled as I remembered that day, the intimate twitcam we had done with the fans. Most of them were so lovely, posting cute comments, however there was so mean ones that stung, but I ignored them. If they truly loved Niall then they wouldn't be doing this to us. 

"Come on daydreamer!" Sophie said, pulling me out of the flat. I just had time to grab my bag.


We all got ready rdiculously early and waited for the girls in the dressing room. Everywhere was a hive of activity, all for us five regular boys. The fans were going crazy outside; everything was mental.

Eventually, we saw a shock of purple hair and then the girls filed into the room, running towards us. I searched desperately for Jess, she was behind them all, standing shyly in a black and white outfit. I ran to her and swung her in he air. 

"Hey beautiful!" I said as I placed her down.

"You look gorgeous Ni," she said and leaned in and hugged me. I closed the gap and placed my hands on her arse and picked her up. She giggled and laced her fingers behind my neck, not wanting to ruin the masterpiece Lou had done with my hair.

"Boys, wrap this up please! Five minutes till showtime, the 5second lads are just finishing their set!" Paul said. I pulled away from Jess.

"Good luck my shining star, you know where I'll be, right down below you, cheering for you!" she whispered to me. It was so cute I nearly wanted to cry.

"Thank you baby, I'll see you afterwards!" I kissed her nose then grabbed my mike and water and ran off. I was a jitter with nerves.


Niall and I had a really heated kiss in the dressing room and I had really encouraged him to do his best. He had such a talent, he deserved all of this. 

The girls and I went to the front row and a few of the fans noticed us and screamed, but then again, everyone was screaming. They started their first song, UpAllNight and then, the next thing you know they were about to sing LittleThings.

"For this song, we'd like to welcome some special guests to the stage!" Harry said, looking down at us. The security guards moved in on us and the next thing you knew I was being hoisted up onto the stage. I had only ever looked up on the stage in concerts, never down on the crowd. There was so many people. How could the boys do this night after night?! 

"Jess calm down, everything is fine, just look at me and I will guide you ok?" Niall whispered as Harry sung the opening lyrics. I nodded quickly and the boys started serenading us all, twirling us around  the stage and the fans were chanting the lyrics and waving their hands in the air.

"These ladies are very special to us, so thats why we have sung this very special song to them. Thank you!" Instead of hopping down to the floor, we were led backstage and we waited in the sitting room for the boys to come back. 

"That was beautiful..." I said. Everyone else agreed, I totally forgot that they were up there too, I was lost in Niall's eyes.

Suddenly, the boys burst in cheering and shouting and were all sweaty. Niall came and attacked me and I didn't mind he was sweaty.

"Niall, that was perfect..." I whispered into his hair as he kissed my neck.

"Jess, you are perfect, this tour doesn't mean anything between us, we will stay together..." he said and I nodded, hugging him tightly.

That moment on I didn't care about my future, I just wanted Niall to be in it.

AN argh might do a time jump now? what do you think? please comment on what you thought and VOTEEEE and spread the word guys ilysm thank you for reading, last update of the night 

jess xxxxx