Chapter 6

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I had nervously driven to the address typed in on my satnav copied from my phone. I had never been this nervous over a date before, I knew Jess was special. Finally I aproached the block of flats in a quiet part of London and made my way to number 24a. The door was painted a bright red instead of just plain wood like the other and I chuckled to myself. After knocking I waited anxiously until she finally opened it and she took my breath away. Her long blonde hair was curled and parts like clipped back so her face seemed more alive. Her top had like frills on the bottom which accenuated her curves and then skinny jeans which just looked perfect on her.

"Wow Jess, you look amazing!" I breathed, grabbing her hand after she locked her front door.

"Stop..." she replied and blushed furiously.

"You know it's true..." I whispered into her ear as I helped her into my car.

I ran around the other side and hopped in. Jess was laughing at me.

"What?" I said, running a hand through my hair and staring at her.

"You're so crazy Niall..." she said then I stared at her eyes. It seemed like forever I just looked at her and she must have thought I was a proper creep but I couldn't get over her.

"Where are we going then Niall?" she asked as I began to drive out of her street.

"Well that is for me to know and you to find out!" I said, tapping my nose.


So he was being like that was he. Hmm... I flicked on the radio and ArianaGrande The Way was on.

"i LOVE this song!" Niall exclaimed and turned the volume to a defening level. I quite liked this song too so we both sung along crazily, Niall doing loads of dance moves while keeping one hand on the steering wheel.

After 'singing' to some more songs, we pulled up at a McDonalds and Niall went in the drive-thru. My heart sank. McDonalds on a first date?

"I'm NiallHoran, I've come to collect something from earlier?" he said to the woman at the first window. I sighed and a tears slipped down my cheek. I quickly tried to wipe it away, but Niall saw.

"Jess? Why are you crying?" his voice sounded hurt.

"Crying? No I'm not! Don't be stupid Niall!" I replied defensively.

"Fine then, don't tell me!" he said mock-seriously and folded his arms, sticking his bottom lip out like a little kid. then it suddenly hit me that I didn't care where I was as long as I was with Niall. Wait, hold up Jess, you only met him yesterday, my brain said, but for once, I let my heart decide for me.