Chapter 22

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This was it.

After a tedious wait of nearly four months, Niall and the boys were coming home today. Me, Casey,Sophie,El,Danielle and Perrie were all going to the airport to greet them, along with the rest of the fans probaly. I got dressed in high waisted shorts, a tribal design crop top, converse and leather jacket. 

"You ready yet?" I said, banging on Sophie's door for like the seventh time. 

"Yeah!" She said and opened the door. She looked super cute in a denim play suit which really complimented her eyes. 

"Lets gooooo!" I whined, jumping up and down. I had been waiting for this day for weeks. Through those long Skype calls to the cute text messages, but nothing was as good as the real thing. 

"You are so impatient! Getting there earlier doesn't make them come faster!" Casey laughed. 

"Lets just gooo pleaseeeeee!" I said and ran to the door. I even took the stairs down from the hotel room I had so much nervous energy.

I was pretty sure I'd aced the finals and I had done all my Christmas shopping. This was going to be so magical, cheesy as it sounds!

There was an agonizingly long drive to the airport, I was fidgeting like crazy. By now however, everyone else was excited so we were all in the same boat.

DING DING! my phone went off, indicating I had a text. 

From: Nialler <3 

Just landed baby, security now, cannot wait to see you!Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I grinned widely and took my place just outside the tunnel where they would be coming out. There were barriers holding the fans back but they were bursting at the seams, and they were all screaming and chanting. 

Niall kept texting me updates on when he was coming and my heart flew into my throat when he said he was on his way through now. Tears stung my eyes and my breath was catching in the back of my throat. 

"JESS!" an Irish accent yelled and I ignored the security guards, I ran through the tunnel and when I saw the flash of blonde hair growing closer I sprinted even faster, until I collided with him, knocking us both on the floor, me on top of him. 

"Niall!" I gasped and I clung to him like a baby, sobbing my heart out. 

"Jess I've missed you so much..." He sobbed into my hair. We stayed entwined in each others arms for ages until we both pulled apart, smiling at each other. 

"Wow I love you..." He said and kissed my lips sending shivers down my spine. I had missed this. 

"I love you too Niall..." I said as he pulled apart and leaned our foreheada against one another.


Nialler couldn't contain his excitement when we landed, he got straight on his phone, tapping like crazy. He really had missed Jess. Sure, I had missed Dani like crazy and it killed me everyday, but this... This was something else.

I hadn't see anybody like this before. It was all new to me this whole love thing, but Niall and Jess were the perfect example. 

I was excited to be reunited with my girlfriend, but Niall looked like he was on cloud9, like he was meeting up with Jess after she had died or something and was now reborn.


I caught a glimpse of her on the CCTV screen as we walked through the airport. Shorts, cropped top and biker jacket. She looked beautiful, perfect even. This really set me off. I yelled her name even though she probably couldn't hear me, but she did and as I ran towards her, I saw her running towards me. Paul had my bags so I wasn't weighed down with them, I was just focusing on one thing. One person. Jess. Her beautiful hair flung out behind her as she ran and her eyes were wet just like mine. I hugged her tight and we put so much force into it we tumbled backwards, the floor hitting me, but I didn't care. Not now Jess was back in my arms.

AN cute chapter omg, actually cried when i was writing it, heheeee love you guys last update for the night! Mwah ily!

Jess xxxx