Chapter 25

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"Look to the future now! Its only just begunnnn!" we all sung as we moved around the living room, making the perfect sleepover place. We had pushed the sofas back and laid quilts down on the floor, then we had put the pillows all in a row so we slept top and tails with everyone. Then we added blankets for each couple and then we had ordered the Chinese food for dinner. 

"Jess?" Niall whispered, wrapping his arms round my waist. I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck.

"Mmm..." I sighed softly.

"I love you..." he said then ran off to the boys who were about to play some video games. I laughed and shook my head.

"We can't let them play that all night!" Danielle said, crossing her arms.

"Don't worry! They are going to get the dancing game out in a bit and the singing one so we can all play!" I assured her as we placed a huge pile of plates out and tonnes of cutlery.

Twitter went crazy after Louis carrying me into the bathroom went on. #jessandlouis and #jouisforever started trending. It was all banter but Niall tensed when he saw. So the start to Christmas had been touch and go, but Niall was fine now, decorating the tree with us and everything. 

Soon the food arrived and the boys crowded into the kitchen to get the food as we stood back and laughed. Niall and I had gone for a lunch out so I wasnt that hungry, so I got my food after everyone else. The dining room table wasfull of excited conversations about presents and stories about previous Christmases. As we all laughed together I took a moment to sit back and go over what had happened in the past few months. Never would I ever have thought I would be sitting round a chic dining table eating Chinese food Christmas eve with the OneDirection boys, especially with one playing footsy under the table with me. 

"You ready?" Niall asked me. The table had cleared and I was just sitting there staring into space. Whoops.

"Oh yeah!" I shook my head out of my dreamworld. 

We gathered in the living room in a circle, me between Niall's legs, the other couples were also sitting together in some way. 

"Let's dance!" I said pulling Niall up and putting on MTV on the TV. Of course it was the top 20 Christmas songs. We all started dancing crazily but when LastChristmas came on we paired up and slow danced. Niall's hands went to the small of  my back and mine interlaced round his neck.

"I love you so much Nialler, I can't believe how lucky I was to be in Starbucks at just the right time..." I sighed as I stared into his stunning blue eyes.

"Jess, let's face it I'm the lucky one, finding a girl as perfect as you, I guess my stomach did well and Nandos did too being too far away!" he grinned at me as the heat rushed to my cheeks. I buried my face into his neck and laughed. We swayed for a while until a fast song came back on, 'SoHereItIsMerryChristmas' we stayed in the same position as everyone else started raving. I grinned and waited until my favourite part of the song came on.

"Niall..." I pulled back off his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes. He looked confused, but then the beat came in. "ITS CHRISTMASSSS!" I yelled and it was our cue to start raving like everyone else.

AN: Did you like <3 <3 <3 ?????? I love this chapter, it really made me smile aha! I am updating lots for you today seems as I didn't update yesterday :((((

-jess xxxx