Chapter 14

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Tonight was the sleepover with Soph and Case. I was so excited to have some girl time and I had to tell them about what Niall had said. He had said he loved me and I had pretended to be asleep as I was such a coward. He seemed to be cautious of me this morning as if he was trying to work out if I heard last night.

"Thank you for such a lovely evening and for you know... staying with me..." I said as we said goodbye at the front door. I was still in my oversized Oasis shirt that just covered my underwear and Niall was in last night's suit with the jacket swung over his shoulder and the tie hanging round his neck loosely.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it babe, speak soon?" he said then kissed me. Normally he would have tried to make it last but it seemed I was doing that this time as he pulled away and went down the drive. Yes, he was definitely upset about last night. I shut the door to my flat and leaned against the back of it and groaned. While I figured out what to do, I started to aimlesssly tidy the flat. I shook myself out of my dazed mood and hit play on my iPod docking station and I surprised myself. I went onto iTunes and I brought OneDirection's two albums, UpAllNight and TakeMeHome. I brought the yearbook editions seeming as I may as well get the full package. I waited for them to download then I added them into a playlist titled '1D'. I laughed as I seemed like such a fangirl, abbreviating them now. 

Hesistantly I pressed play and the first song that shuffle picked was: 'I Would' from TakeMeHome. I  tidied the living room and I actually found myself dancing along to it. Stop it Jess, this is OneDirection, the tinny pop music. By the time the playlist had played each of the albums once I actually found I enjoyed them. They were easy uplifting songs and I had the playlist on constant replay all afternoon while I prepared dinner, movies, the blow up matresses, and got changed. 


I had picked up Casey on the way to the sleepover and as we walked up the stairs to Jess's flat, we began to hear the opening chords of OneThing. It must've been her neighbours, as Jess hated our boyfriend's band, but then as we opened the door as she didn't answer we found her dancing around her room belting out the lyrics. Casey and I stood in the doorway of her bedroom, shellshocked at the sudden change in mood she had.

"Oh! Guys!" she gasped and ran for the docking station, hitting the off button.

"Guilty pleasure do we have?!" Casey said and we all giggled as Jess knew she had been caught out.

"Only since this afternoon!" she protested.

"Well then! Let's get this party started!" I said and hit the play button on the docking station.


Casey and Sophie had walked in on me shoutsinging OneDirection and they were understanding as they were both i love with them too. We had them on in the background all night as we ate oven pizza and pigged out on sweets, just catching up with each other.

"So then Alicia, the really bitchy one said, if Casey gets to model bikinis then why shouldn't I? Then Marianne the photographer says, well Casey is perfect and frankly you aren't!" Casey said, shocked. She could never understand how beautiful she was.

"Anyway mrs loved up with a leprechaun, got anything to spill?" Casey said, nudging me.

"Well.. last night, Niall said he loved me..." I said, blushing a little.

"OH MY GOD!" they both shrieked and crowded round me, begging to know details.

"Guys, guys, guys! Calm down! I, well I didn't say it back!" I felt the tears stinging my eyes and hid my head in my hands, shaking with the sobs, "he poured his whole heart out to me and I was such a coward I pretended to be asleep!"

"Oh Jess! Why?" Sophie soothed as she rubbed my back softly.

"I love him, I do, I was just scared... I don't even know why I-" I cut off, realising how stupid I sounded.

"You div..." Casey mumbled and I laughed.

"You got that right!" Sophie agreed and I smiled.

"What am I going to do?! He was so upset this morning!" I said.

"Sweetie, you know what you have to do..." Sophie said. I jumped up from the air matresses we were currently lounging on. I dodged the sweets and snacks and drinks we had and ran into the hall. I yanked my shoes and coat on and ran out into the corridor. I knew what I had to do.