Cry-Kuroko Tetsuya

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You walked into your room and closed it lightly. You fell to your butt while tears silently brimmed your eyes. You could not hold it anymore so you let it all out.

"Sigh. I don't want this feeling. I already said that I'll help her have him fall for her yet why? Why is it that I have to be the one who fell!? Ugh." You sneered. Your eyes stung as you tried to wipe the tears away. Just then, a knock pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Dear? Are you alright?" Your mom asked behind the door. You shut your mouth and replied "yes". She just told you to eat dinner later which made you smiled sadly.

"I'm such an idiot. I should forget all these feelings for him." You mumbled in your sleep.

The next day, you quickly dressed to your school uniform and met up with Momoi by the station. Even though you two were from different schools, it did not stop the two of you from going to school.

"Morning, (First name)-chan!" She greeted. You forced a smile and waved at him.

"Morning to you too, Sat-chan."

"You look gloomy. What happened?" She asked. It pained your heart to hear that question. Instead of saying anything, you just told him that you were feeling a little under the weather since you wake up. She was worried by your answer. Diverting the topic, you asked if there was something she would give Kuroko today.

"Yup! I made him a sweater! Winter is coming soon you know."

"Ahahaha. I'm sure he's going to like it." You smiled sadly. You went out of the bus and entered Seirin. There, you spotted your two best friends, Kagami and Kuroko.

'Can I face him yet? No, I should just forget it all. Move on, (First name)!' You thought as you shook your head off the thoughts.

"Kagami! Tetsuya! Morning!" You greeted. They returned it. You talked to them about tons of things. You tried to smile even though it hurt to be around him. What you did not know was that Kuroko was looking at you and he noticed that your smiles were all forced.

After class, you walked home with Kuroko. While walking, your head was in a daze and all you could think was—nothing! Your mind was blank. Kuroko tried to talk to you but you did not answer back as if you were not there. He grabbed your hands and stopped you from walking.

"Is there something wrong (Last name)-san?" He asked. His blue eyes swirling with emotions.

"No. It's nothing." He knew that you were lying and bluntly pointed it out. You looked at him with blank eyes.

"I respect your decision and please tell me if you want a shoulder to lean on."

'I can't. It's your fault I'm like this.' You thought sadly as you stared at the horizon. You just smiled it off and took his hands. You pulled him towards the Maji burger and ordered two milkshakes. Since there were no more chairs, you pulled him towards the playground and there, you sat on the swing.

"Maybe I'll tell you when I'm ready, Tetsuya."

"I look forward to it."

After you drank the shake, you bade him farewell and went home. When you were away from him, your tears ran down your cheeks. 'I don't want to cry anymore. No more. Am I going to tell him all? Or should I just stay silent?'

"Maybe tomorrow. It's all or nothing anyway."

The next day, you went to school alone. Surprisingly, Momoi did not come. You just shrugged it off and thought that maybe she had gone to school early. At school, you looked for the certain blue-haired phantom but it seemed like he was nowhere to be found until you dropped off by the basketball court. You peeked inside and saw Momoi and and Tetsuya.

"Momoi and Tetsuya?"

"I like you Tetsu-kun!" Momoi's voice reverberated.

"Momoi-san, I-I..."

You sprinted out of the gym when Kuroko heard stomping off feet. He looked outside and saw your hair.

"(Last name)-san! I'm sorry, Momoi-san, but I can't return your feelings." He apologized. She understood him and ordered him to follow you. He smiled softly at her and chased you out. You were crying hard. All the frustrations built up inside you burst out.

"Tetsuya. Ugh! I hate this!"

"(First name)!" Your eyes widened. It was the first time you heard him say your first name. You spun around and wiped your tears out. What shocked you was that he hugged you tightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize soon." Tears trickled down your cheeks more. It hurt. He just nodded and asked if you were ready to share it with him. You nodded silently and told him all. He chuckled at how silly you were because for a long time he had been in love with you. You blushed in embarrassment and his your face in his sleeves.

"You're mean."

"Hahaha. I'm sorry, (First name) but, I have to ask you this, do you think I could make you mine?"

"T-Tetsuya! You're being too blunt."

"Well can I?" You blushed heavily and nodded. He smiled which made your heart beat wildly. He took your chin and kissed you passionately.

"How's, Sat-chan?" You asked.

"She asked me to chase you out but with or without her saying that, I will chase you out." You felt a little guilty at that. You knew that she liked him for a long time, but so did you. To prove that, you kissed Kuroko again. He kissed you back with the same passion.

Tears made me realize things I have never seen and felt.


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