Necklace-Himuro Tatsuya

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You and Himuro were walking down the road going home from your trip. You just got back to Akita hours ago from Tokyo after celebrating Kuroko's birthday. You noticed a shop selling necklaces and one particular ornament caught your eye. It was just a simple necklace with a pearl in front.

"Wow..." You sighed in amazement.

"(First name)?" Himuro called to you.
"A-Ah! Sorry! Let's go?" You quickly averted your eyes from the shop. Himuro took this as a sign that you were captured by that jewel.

"So how did you enjoy Kuroko's birthday?" He asked. You laughed lightly and told him that those two girls there amused you. They were bickering lightly about cooking and chest.

"Hahaha! I know. It's no wonder their team is very amusing." You laughed again. Himuro smiled at that. He really loved it when you smile and laugh. You caught him staring at you so you coughed.

"A-Ah! Hahaha! Sorry."
"Where Murasakibara?" You suddenly asked noticing the purple giant's absence.

"He said that Akashi-san needed to talk to him."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. How about we go to a tea shop. I want to eat some dango." He suggested. You thought over it for awhile and agreed.

~In the dango shop~

"Obaa-san! Two plates of dango please! With green tea as well." You ordered.

Soon, your order was placed in front of you and you dug in. It was delicious as usual. You noticed Himuro's silence so you asked him what was wrong.

"You're going back to Kyoto right?"
"Where did you hear that from?" You asked seriously. It was a secret supposed to be and you want to say it the day tomorrow.

"Heard it from the teachers' office while I was walking in the corridor."
"I see. I don't know if we'll go back actually. You see, the only reason we're going back was for my grandmother. We're not yet sure. Let's just hope that mom will make the decision not to go." You hoped.
"I wish you'll stay though."
"Oh come on Himuro. It's not like I'm going to another country. I'm just transferring in one province. We could still visit each other." You encouraged.
"I know that but..." Himuro hesitated for a while.

'For me, it'll be the same as going to another country.' He thought.

"Look, mom will decided tomorrow and I'll inform you as fast as possible about her decision. We'll be happy with whatever decision she'll make. You're my friend Himuro and I'm sure we'll still be friends." You said. For him, it was different. He fell for you. Hard at that. Learning from the others that you're going to transfer, leaving him hurt him. He wanted to tell you his feelings but was afraid to break that friendship you have formed and that you're very oblivious.

"Then it's a promise."

~The next day~

It was Saturday and you were called by your mother downstairs to hear her decision. You fidgeted a bit, uncomfortable about the topic.

"I've come to a decision my dear and...we're going to live with your grandmother." She announced.

"What? Nevermind. Is that your final decision mom?"
"I see." You answered in a gloomy tone. You were sad that you're going to leave Himuro alone. You didn't know why but when you heard that you were leaving saddened you. You didn't want to leave him.

'Am I falling for Himuro?' You thought sadly.

Since you promised to tell Himuro your mother's promise, you quickly called him and delivered the news gloomily.

"I see. Do you want to hang out today?"
"Sure." You smiled lightly. You did your necessities and dressed. Once you were done, you informed your mom that you were going out.

•Himuro's POV•

She was leaving me. I don't want to part from her but she had to. It saddened me to no end that I will be left alone and that the girl I like will be the one to do that. While thinking, I remembered the necklace she admired at the shop.

'Maybe I could give that to her as a gift.' I thought. I made a decision and I will give that to her. Once I was dressed, I left my apartment and went to our meeting place which was at the park. Before going there, I made a detour towards the jewel shop we passed by yesterday and bought the same ornament she was admiring. Indeed, it was beautiful and it suited her.

"She's going to love this."

I met with her by the park and we went to our favorite place. We had a great time, just enjoying each other's presence. It was enough.

"Let's do this again okay?" She said as she swung herself on the swings.
"Yeah." I replied.

It was now time to go home. I accompanied her but before she could enter her home, I pulled her. I took out my gift and gave it to her. She was perplexed with what I have but when she opened it, she smiled.

"I saw you admiring it so why not give to you right?"
"Thank you." She held it. What shocked me was her next move, she kissed my cheeks. I was sure that I was red as tomato by then but I didn't mind, she was happy and so am I.

•Your POV•

After you did that bold thing, you quickly went inside and held the necklace he gave. You grinned ear to ear. It really made you giggly inside. Your face was a bit flushed though considering the bold thing you did.

~ Two days from now~

It was Monday and you were awaken by strange sounds and some talking downstairs. You looked at your clock and it was 5:30 so you quickly took a bath, dressed and put on the necklace Himuro gave you.

"I wonder what were those sounds downstairs?" You asked to yourself. A knock on the door startled you though and you looked at the clock. It was 6:30 so you went to open. What surprised you was that your grandmother was there.

"G-Grandma! What are you doing here?"
"Hello my dear. I'll be living with you from now on. Didn't our mom tell you that?" She asked. You were a bit confused. Just then, you remembered what your mom said.

"I've come to a decision my dear and...we're going to live with your grandmother." She announced.

"So you mean, living with you grandma means this? Not moving to Kyoto?" You asked to confirm it.
"Yes. Your auntie is going to be the one to arrange the papers of my house in Kyoto." She explained.
"Oh my gosh. I just told him the wrong one. Oh well. Thank you grandma and I love you. Tell mom that I'll be going now." You hugged her tight and exited the house.

You ran towards the school and there, you spotted Himuro. You called out to him and told him to follow you. He was confused so you pulled him in, leaving the purple giant behind me weirded out.

When you reached the back of the school, you smiled at him widely. He was confused but you broke the news to him.

"We're not going to leave Akita, Himuro."
"I see. Wait. What? Really?" He asked wide-eyed. You grinned at him but what shocked you was that he kissed you straight on the lips.

"I love you." He confessed.
"Same." He kissed you again. This time, softly.


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