The True You-Midorima Shintaro

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Author's Note:

Okay so, my teacher in English made a comment about this book and she suggested that I should use the pronoun "I" when pertaining to your POV. Goodluck!~~

I sat down on my chair and slumped on it still thinking about those horrible dreams I had last night.

'Shouldn't have watched that scary movie!' My train of thoughts were interrupted when the teacher entered the room and discussed about the project. 'Another project I see.' Then I noticed something shiny beside me. I looked and felt horrified for a moment. Midorima was holding a sharp, as in sharp, scissors. Takao caught my look and started laughing out silently.

"Sh-Shin-chan! L-Look beside you! (First name)-chan is fidgeting because of your scissors! Hahahah!" He looked at me with those sharp eyes. I tried to stare back then he sighed and slowly put the scissors away.

"That was my lucky item nanodayo." He turned to Takao and said, "Will you shut up nanodayo?"

"S-Someone got scared b-because of your scissors! Hahahah!"

"Takao-kun! Is there any reason why you're laughing?" The teacher asked. I stifled a giggle out of my lips when Takao paled at the teacher's voice.

"Sorry sir, there was something weird over there. In a weird shape also!" He lied. I hid my face in sleeves and silently laughed. But it stopped when I saw Midorima crack a SMALL smile. It was in a thin line but there was a curve. It made me blush all of a sudden and hide back again in my chair.

"Okay, so for our project, I will have you guys do a project in pair. Your project will be about literature. Countries. You'll research about important facts about countries. It could be food, history, music etc."

The project this time was interesting so I listened intently as he explained what to do and who our partners will be. It was then that my name was called.

"(Last name) and Midorima. And last, Takao and Izumi." I looked back at Midorima and offered a small smile. He just nodded and we continued with the lesson. After another subject, it was break time. Midorima came to me and talked about the project.

"(Last name)-san, as much as possible, I want to finish this project soon and I know that you're capable nanodayo. I mean you're smart." I blushed at the comment but ushered him to continue.

"Where do you want to do the project?"
"Umm...Mine is fine."

He nodded and pulled his chair next to me. I grabbed my notebook and listed down the countries we could work on.

"T-These are all the c-countries I chose."
"Italy, Greece, China, Indonesia, England. These are all great. What country do you propose?" He asked. I smiled widely and chose Italy. I was rambling things about Italy that I didn't notice the smile on Midorima's face.

"Then their music is very jolly and—" I paused and blushed for a while. I haven't talked for this long and stiffly looked back at Midorima whose face showed amusement.

"I-I... I'm sorry for that but is that a good choice?" He nodded. The bell rang which meant that the break has ended. The next teacher talked about music but I kinda blanked out after the word Arias.

'He's weird. I mean, he's cold to others at some point and always says nanodayo but earlier, he just SMILED?' I opened my notebook and listened again.

~After class~

Finally, class was over and was time to go home. Midorima said that we'll start the project tomorrow so I still have time to research. I rounded up the corner when I suddenly heard a voice nearby. Not to be a bad girl but I just want to eavesdrop a little.

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