Special #6: Answer to your Power (AU)

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Author's Note:

My!! It's been a long time minna!! Sorry I was busy with my enrollment for senior high and the three-day orientation. Goddesses, it's starting to kill me now! Hahahha! But I gotta hang on and...Anyways! This is the continued part of Colorful Kingdoms. Enjoy~~


The Sacrea and the princes continued their journey towards the Great Palace and now, they are faced with different challenges as they enter it. They were surprised by a crystal lake that circulated the whole area. It was sparkling like diamond shone under the sun but with one touch, it can melt you and instantly kill you. To achieve it, everyone must cooperate and be innovative.

"This one is trouble already I see." Akashi said as he threw a rock which melted easily.

"Isn't there any other way here su~?" Ryota asked as he scanned the whole area. Just then, Tetsuya scooted towards a small tunnel on the wall. He called everybody and found that the entrance was simply the exit but just then. two giant cyclops emerged from the lake and sprayed acidic puddles of water. It touched Daiki's shoulder a little but he insisted that it was nothing. They decided to attack them altogether but their swords dissolved with just a simple touch.

"This is bad. Ytria? Do you still remember this?"

"The only way is to escape or to shut down the source of Erif which is supposed to be over there at the top but it's surrounded with acidic crystals as well."

"Curse it! Who is a great archer here?" The princes looked at each other before pointing to Prince Midorima. They agreed that he will be the one to hit the point between the crystals and the source of Erif. A tough mission was inline for them. Using the four princes as distraction,Sharrar and Mnemosy used their magic to break a portion of the crystals while Ytria and Tetsuya decided to open the door. Midorima, on the other hand, prepared his bow and arrows for the direct assault.

"A portion is set! Fire it now Midorima!" The green-haired man nodded and released his hold on his bow. The arrow flew towards the center and hit the target perfectly. The cyclops vanished and the door opened. They ascended towards the next room where they were met by a group of dragons. It was a large group of dragons so they silently, passed through them. They were near the door when a screech from the small dragons alerted them. They were about ten 6 feet tall dragons which made their eyes widen in surprise and fear.

"There are a lot of them! Ytria! Akashi!" Mnemosy yelled as he defended the yellow-haired prince's back. Sharrar stepped in front and used magic again but this time, it failed and received a large gash on her sides. With a yelp, she flew towards the wall and created a huge dent before losing conscious. Tetsuya saw this. The person dear to him was injured badly. With a new resolve, his sword blazed up and with that, he slayed every dragon in the way before the door opened and it was time to exit the nightmare.

*Time Skip*

"How is she Mnemosy?"

"Her wounds are starting to heal but it will take time. We may be Blessed Children but once wounded, we're nothing more than the same with the mortals. We heal slow and wound up pretty bad as well."

Tetsuya sat by her side and held her hand. They decided to camp out on the third room since it's a wide forest full of resources that will help them survive for a few days. The light-blue haired prince looked at your serene face before murmuring things.

"You shouldn't risk your life too much Sharrar-san. It breaks my heart to see you like this and I don't have any idea. All I want is to see you smile and healthy. Please. Just don't risk it too much. I don't want to lose you."

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