Realize - Izuki Shun

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"Shun!" You yelled across the corridor when you saw the raven-haired teen walking with Hyuuga. The said teen smiled at you while waving a little.

"Yo (First name)!" Izuki greeted.

"(Last name)-san, hello." Hyuuga said.

You nodded at the two and asked them if they have practice since you want to watched them for a while. He said that they have that was why you asked him if you could, you know, watch and all? He grinned and nodded at you.

"Thanks Shun! Your practices mesmerize me!"
"That's too much (Last name)-san." Hyuuga tried to hide his embarrassment. You just laughed at him when Izuki suddenly spoke something about a pun.

"Too much, like." Tsugi sugi...suki..) (A/N: I'm really bad at puns. Hahaha! Anyways!) He mumbled. You just looked at him then suddenly laughed. It was not because it was funny but because it was weird! You wiped the tears in your eyes and bade them farewell.

"I'll see you later!"

Seirin High Corridor

"Hmm? What should I cook later?" You pondered as you walked down the hallway. You could only think of tonkatsu and tempura so you smiled at your choices. Just then, the school bell rang.

"Crap! It's time for class! I better hurry before Mr. Takamura gets mad at me." You dashed towards your classroom and luckily, you just got in time. Sitting on your chair, all you could do was gaze at the sky aside from doing some school activities.

'I wonder where did Shun got his ways of writing puns?'

After class, you went to the school gym to watch them practice. Entering the said place, you were greeted by the first years. You smiled at them especially at the duo who had amazed you the most. You knew how to play basketball and when you looked around, you were puzzled why the others are late.

"Furi? Do you know why the others are late?"

"Huh? Oh, Coach said that she asked the boys to help him buy some things for the training." He answered.

"Even Koga and Mitobe?"

"No, (First name)-san. She said that they're called by the teacher because of sleeping during class." Kuroko answered.

"Ouch. That's bad. Anyways, how about we play for awhile?" You suggested with a playful glint in your eyes.

"Play?" They asked confused.

"Well, I also play basketball. How about a round or two while the others are still out?"

"Um...." They hesitated. You shook your head and encouraged them. Kagami was the first one to agree so you quickly wore leggings and grabbed the ball.

"I'll be the first one!" You said as you dribbled the ball in your hands. You jumped back with the ball and run to the left. He was about to grab the ball from you when you moved to the right and ducked the ball while running towards the ring to shoot.

"All right! Hahaha! I got the first point, Kagami!" You grinned at him. He was stunned with what just happened until he smile widely. The others were shocked as well yet you were able to encourage them. They quickly changed and readied themselves. On your team was Furi and Kawahara while the rest were in Kagami's group. The game was heated up and you were able to push the five to there fullest.

"What was that move you used, (First name)-san?" Furihata asked. You looked back and answered him.

"It was Zephyr's wind. I prefer using it. It's like you're following the wind yet you're the one to direct it."

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Well, it's pretty simple really. You just follow your opponent's move then when you're in the corner, you move like a wind where he will not expect it. Let's see, Kagami moved to the left earlier and I just followed it. Then while we were moving to that side, I quickly made my way to the right then ducked the ball under, then to the side and shoot!" You explained.

"Wow. That's amazing!" Kawahara praised. You just smiled while the others were grinning. You looked at your wristwatch and saw that it was already 5:00 and you need to go home early.

"Holy crap. I need to go now. Please tell Shun that I'll watch next time." You grabbed your bag and wore your shoes. You bade them goodbye and waltz out of the gym. You were walking out when you saw Izuki and a girl, you were not familiar with, talk. You eavesdropped and heard some.

"I-I like you Izuki-kun. Please accept my feelings!" The girl said. You clenched your fist and your bangs covered your face. Before you could even hear his answer, you fled the scene while tears ran down your cheeks.

"I hate this."

The Next Day

It felt as if life was sucked out of you from all the tears you shed. You had been in love with him ever since yet it felt as if he was far out of your reach. Izuki saw you along the corridor and waved at you but you just ignored him and walked out.

"Eh? (First name)?" He whispered to himself.

During class, you received a message from Izuki in a small paper. He was asking why you ignored him. You just kept the paper inside your notebook and never replied to it. After the fourth period, lunch came and Izuki was about to invite you to have lunch with him but you just went past him. Every time he was about to ask you or talk to you, all you did was avoid him until he had enough and confront you.

"(First name)! What is wrong with you!? Why are you avoiding me?" He asked.

"No I'm not."

"Stop denying it and answer me."

"I..." He saw your conflicted face so he pulled you towards the rooftop so that you could vent out whatever problem you have.

"Tell me now."

"You already have a girlfriend right?"

"Huh? Since when?" He asked you. You looked at him for any lies but there was nothing on his face but pure confusion.

"I-I mean somebody just confessed to you yesterday right and—" You tried to explain yourself without stuttering too much only to fail. He chuckled at you and patted your head.

"I don't have any girlfriend (First name). Were you jealous?"

"W-Why would I be? I-I mean I-I'm not your girlfriend or anything and—"

"Then be mine."

"I know you don't li— Wait what? Say it again please." You asked. He blushed a little so he grabbed your chin and kissed you lightly on the lips.

"Be mine." He said in a serious tone you haven't heard in years. You blushed deep shade red and you could also see that he's blushing as well. You hid your face on his jacket and nodded.


He hugged you tightly and kissed you on the forehead.

"I love you (First name)."
"Me too."


"So you were jealous?"
"I-I was not!"
"Don't deny it."
"Mou~ Maybe a little." You whispered. You quickly kissed his cheeks and smiled a little.

"Maybe you'll be jealous if it happened to me as well." You said. You were about to go back when he hugged you and said in a possessive tone.

"Nope. You're mine only."
"Yeah yeah."

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