No More Chance - Aomine Daiki

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"Kagami...What are you doing?" I asked while sweat dropping at his attempts. Well, as far as I can see, he's trying to eat a broccoli using his left hand.

"What is he doing?" Kawahara asked.

"He's practicing his left hand." Kiyoshi answered. The red head attempted to eat it but it just slipped off and Nigou ended up eating which made me laugh so hard.

"The broccoli is slippery." Furihata said.

"You don't say! Hahaha!" It made me laugh really hard. While they were conversing about this street basketball, I suddenly received a text which made me scowl.

(First name). Meet at the Central Park.

I let out an annoyed sighed as I shut the phone off. Kuroko noticed the scowl on my face and asked what happened. Just one word from my lips and he understood what I meant. Kagami looked at us confused but I told him that it was nothing. Thankfully, he didn't ask.

"So about this street basketball? What time is it?"
"About 7 we have to be there but it'll start at 8:30."
"Alright! Count me in!"

They grinned at me as we gathered our bags and left the restaurant. Kuroko and I were on the same path and he brought up the topic.

"(Last name)-san."
"I will not listen. No more. I've given that idiot tons of chances yet he will never be the same."
"Are you sure that's what you really want (First name)?" I flinched at his tone. It was the second time he used my first name and I know that he's pretty serious about this one.

"I don't want to be hurt again and again Kuroko." Tears stung my eyes as I wiped them away. The phantom player just simply hugged me. It was comforting but not like his hugs.

"I better go home now. I have to prepare for tomorrow. See you!"

With that, I dashed out towards my house and went back to my room. I slid down behind the door and cried for what seemed like hours. Just then, I noticed an album lying on top of my table. It was where I kept most of my memories with him. I opened it and turned towards the first picture which was during the summer festival. We were grinning like idiots and I can't help but remember just how happy we were. Then, there was a picture of us below the cherry blossoms, during the sports festival, when he confessed, our first date, first kiss, his gifts and my birthday. He changed half way his second year. Cold and always in daze. He completely changed on his third year in junior high. Much colder and uncaring.

"Daiki! Let's get some ice cream later!" He looked at me with those uncaring eyes before going back to sleep.

"I don't want to. Why don't you get your ugly face out here?" I was struck by his words that I didn't notice the tears running down my cheeks. It was until Momoi came and saw me crying.

"I HATE YOU AOMINE DAIKI!" I ran out of the school until I dropped down and let my tears out. I've put up with him for too long. This was the fourth time.

'I should just forget about him.' That was what I did. I didn't have any contact with him after that fight and I graduated without even seeing him. Entering Seirin High was my new start but that was until we crossed path during the Inter-High.

"I'm just gonna buy some drinks!"

I walked towards the nearest vending machine and grabbed 10 cans. It was a bit heavy but nothing I can take care of. I was about to go when a voice stopped me.

"(First name)?" That familiar deep voice that wrecked me. I turned to him wide-eyed and sent a glare.

"P-Please let me explain (First name). You know I was not in the good mood that time and—"
"I'm tired of your excuses. Excuse me." I was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand and all the cans were about to fall but I held them tightly.

"Let go of me you idiot!"
"Just let me explain!"
"There's nothing more to explain. The only one who can beat you is you? Then the only one who can understand you and your shit is you!" I left him there and I actually didn't care what happened.

I closed the album and walked towards my bed where I clutched on to my teddy bear. Childish? I know but it will always be my comfort. Opening my phone, I saw another text message and it was from him. Of course, I left him waiting there after all.

"Please just come (First name)."

I snorted and ignored it.

~The Next Day~

I woke up early and made some lunches for the boys. It was tiring but worth it. Oh yeah, my parents are not home as well. They worked abroad and trusted me to live by myself. Harsh. It was already 6:30 so I took a bath and change to my casual clothes which consists of yellow top, blue pants and my favorite sneakers.

I ran down towards the park where we would meet and they were already there.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I just have to make these." I said in a huff. They were surprised but simply grinned. We went to the said location and there were a lot of participants. Seiho was there as well! Talk about coincidence. Himuro Tatsuya and Atsushi also came but I was unable to converse with them since I was called back to the gym. I just informed Kuroko.

Just as I was about to reach the gym, a blur of pink ran past by me. Momoi? I chased after her and she was going to our gym. The boys were blushing at her which made me come out and ouch them in the face along with Riko.

"Momoi? What are you doing here all drenched up?"
"(First name)-chan...." She hugged me tightly until I told the boys and Riko to back up so that she could enter. Coach lent her a shirt and it stretched all the way.

'Coach really need some loose ones.' She talked to me first. I could barely hear it but I know who she was talking to.

"He's acting up like a kid again I see. Wow." I laughed with sarcasm laid in my tone.
"He was angry (First name)-chan and more pisses since you didn't come yesterday."
"Like I'm gonna come. You know why Momoi and no more." She bowed her head down in shame. She was the first one who shipped is after all. I looked outside the pouring rain in a daze when my phone rang. A call.

"(First name)..." It was his deep voice.

"Fix whatever problem you had with Momoi. She was just trying to help."

"She butted in my business first! Telling me not to play when I can!?"

"She said you were injured. Is that really how a good basketball player should act Aomine!?" I shouted in anger. He should really stop acting childish.

"Why didn't you come yesterday?"
"Why do you think!? Please. We're over now Aomine."
"(First name). Just listen to me. Just let me explain."
"Like the old times? Remember when I saw you making out with the girl from the other class? I pretended that I didn't see it. Then the time where you made out with my best friend? Oh, another is when you became cold to me and started abusing me with your words? Do I need to list more?" I said with an innocent tone. He was silent so I just said this before dropping the call.

"We're over Daiki. I'm sorry. Wait, no I shouldn't. Fix yourself, your problem with Momoi and that attitude of yours. Maybe one day somebody will be able to stand you and your arrogance. Goodbye." I dropped the call and let the rain wash all my tears. It hurt to say goodbye, to forget all we've been but I guess we've never truly been. He was the first one to threw it all away and I was the fool who kept reminding myself that I'm his most important treasure. Yeah right.

"I should get back and change now." I entered the gym and saw Izuki by the door holding a polo shirt.

"Change and wear this for a little while so you don't catch a cold."
"Izuki-senpai. Thank you." I smiled before walking to the backstage. I noticed his blush though and it made me giggle.

'Maybe my life will not be as dull as I think it will be after that break.' I thought with a grin plastered on my face. A newly profound light that made its way towards me.


A/N: Goddesses! I'm so sorry for not updating guys. I was in a bit of a pinch these two weeks or more due to business but I will update now again. And this book will soon be over after 10 special chapters so stay tune~

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