Lucky for you-Midorima Shintaro

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"Midori! Have you seen a brown box underneath our bed?" You called out to your husband, Midorima. He poked his head out of the bathroom and said.

"No. Why?"
"There is something I need to get from that box!" You said in frustration. You tried to look for it again inside our room.

"Man. Where is it?" You asked yourself.
"How about you ask Akari?" He asked as he changed to his house clothes. It was Sunday today so he didn't have any work.

"Let me go to her room." You went to your child's room only to find her laughing on her bed. You noticed that she was holding something and it was a picture.

"Akari?" You said quietly.
"Mama? Mama! Hahaha! This picture is funny! Is this Uncle Takao?" She giggled.

You looked at the picture and it was the one where Takao spilled the whole cake in Midorima's head. It happened during your birthday as it was the funniest one.

"Hahaha! I-I remember that! My... It has really been a long time." You said as you reminisced all of your memories with Shutoku.

"Wait. Akari? Did you get the brown box underneath our bed?" You asked her. She just smiled sheepishly and nodded. You sighed but smiled at her. You sat beside her and patted her head. You noticed that she already saw a lot of pictures. You grabbed one and coincidentally, it was the one where you put all the pictures inside the box while grinning in front of the camera.

"Mama? When was this taken?" She asked.
"This was taken when we both received the news that we're going to have you dear."
"Wow..." She said amazed. You giggled and showed more pictures. One was from the time during the Winter Cup games. After their depressing games, you decided to treat them somewhere and all of you were there. Next was during your college years where Midorima was stuffing his mouth with food. It shocked you 'cause he was jealous during those times.

"Hahaha! I didn't know that Papa could also get jealous!" You daughter laughed in glee. You joined her and laughed at it too.

One picture caught your eyes though and it was the time where he proposed to you.

"Mama? Could you tell me how Papa proposed to you?" She asked curiously. She was a bright child and a curious one. Akari would always ask questions and she could understand it all.

"Sure dear. We were outside the country that time. Paris if I'm not mistaken. He was appointed as a doctor there while I was situated there as an interior designer. Then..."


"(First name)."  Midorima called you while you were in your studio, sketching the design for the new buildings, cafe and office of important people.

"What is it Midori?"
"Y-You see... I needed some supplies and w-will you accompany me? I-It's not like I can't carry them myself okay?" He tried to hide away his embarrassment.  You giggled at this and said yes.

"Sure. I'll be needing some papers and canvas soon." You said. You told him to wait downstairs while you prepare.


"Where are we going first Midori?" You asked. He looked at you then pointed at a store near you. You nodded then tried to warm up. It was already Christmas Eve and sure, a lot of people came bustling down the city.

"I'll be back in a minute."
"Then, I'll go over there." You said as you pointed at a bookstore. He nodded.

You bought a lot of things such as papers, markers, pencil, canvas and some coloring materials. You waited for Midorima outside. The Christmas tree caught your eye though. It made you smile from the inside.

"What are you sighing there nanodayo?"
"M-Midori! Don't scare me like that. Nothing really. I was just fascinated with their Christmas here." You answered truthfully. He smiled lightly and took some of your grocery.

He took your empty hand and went near the tree. You just stood there and was confused why. Just then, Midorima put down all your groceries and faced you seriously. You were nervous. You haven't seen him look this serious except during his basketball years.

"(First name). I've known you for a very long time now. You've been by my side ever since we're still in high school and I'm really grateful to have you. That's why..." He kneeled down and took out a small velvet box. It made you smile with tears in your eyes.

"Oh my..." You muttered.
"Will you marry me (First name)?" He asked with a smile. You quickly hugged him and yelled "YES!".

Everybody in the plaza looked at you and congratulated you two. You were both happy and embarrassed but you smiled through it and brought the green haired in a sweet but passionate kiss.

"I love you Shintaro."
"I love you too."

~End of Flashback~

"Wow...Papa is so bold and that was just too sweet Mama! I hope I could get a man like Papa!" She yelled in delight. You giggled until you heard the door opening.

"Sorry Akari but that boy have to go past me first." He said with a stern but amused face. You couldn't help but laugh.

"You're just like that Papa because I'm still your baby but I'm sure you're going to love the man for me!" She said then ran off downstairs to eat.

Once she was downstairs, Midorima pulled you towards his chest and hugged you tightly. You missed this and you hugged him back. That is until you felt him chuckle a bit. You looked up and saw his amused face. He held up a picture and that was during your time here in Japan. It was taken when you went to the hot springs. You looked flushed in it because Midorima kissed you here.

"You still have this?"
"Kyaah! No! That's embarrassing!"
"*chuckle* I don't think so." He held it high and stole a kiss from you.

"You sly fox."
"Love you too dear." He said. You just smiled and kissed him.

I'm really lucky for you.


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