Food-Kagami Taiga

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"Yum! This taiyaki is really the best!" You squealed in delight. Your two friends, Mana and Alice, sighed at your gluttony.

"Seriously, (First name)? All you could think is food! Why don't you grab yourself a boyfriend?" Alice berated. You looked at them weirdly before replying.

"Boyfriend? There was one guy who invited me to watch a movie, then another to go to the amusement park but I guess I made him go broke." You remembered the guy who asked for your company. You did not call it a date because you did not like him, but since he insisted on taking you there, you eventually agreed. Unfortunately, you bought a lot of food. And when I say a lot, it was a lot. Ranging from cotton candy, popcorn, crepe down to a reserve for dinner. It did not occur to you that he might have liked you.

"You idiot! You should have said yes!" Mana commented.

"Don't wanna. Plus I'm still enjoying my taiyaki so don't interrupt, Mana." You pouted. She sighed in irritation before remembering that they will be having home economics soon.

"Yeah, and if I'm not mistaken, we're going to cook stew today." Your ears perked up at this and you asked them about the details.

You were so engrossed that you did not notice the stare of a certain basketball idiot. Kagami shook his head with a small smile. Kuroko saw this and teased him about it which made him angry. You heard the commotion behind you and saw the usual duo who always make you laugh.

After lunch, it was now time for HE so you quickly wore your attire and prepared the ingredients. You wanted to try your own stew so you grabbed the ingredients and peeled them off. Minutes later, the food was already done. It tasted good and you started to prepare a plate which is to be given to the teacher. She smiled at your work and went next. You were in bliss until you heard a "Wow!" from the other group. You looked over and smelled something good.

"Is that Kagami-kun? He's really good at cooking!" You said with a proud smile. He looked at you and grinned widely. You were about to take a step when you were stopped by your friends.

"Are you going to taste theirs!? We can't do that (First name)-chan! If we have you here, then they have him there! Come on, let's go!" You were pulled out. You shot him a look saying "Sorry". He just smiled sadly.

'I wanted to taste some of his food. I remember that curry last time.' You thought as you cut some vegetables. Unfortunately while thinking so, you cut two of your fingers.

"Ouch." You looked down only to see blood dripping ever so slowly. One of your members panicked but Kagami quickly went to you and pulled you out of the classroom. While walking, he was telling you how careless you acted.

"Are you listening (First name)!?" He asked. You apologized. Sighing, he let you off the hook before opening the clinic door. However, there was nobody inside. He walked towards a cabinet, opened it and found the things he needed to fix your hand.

"Let me see that." He took your hand and wiped off the blood with the cotton he found in the emergency kit. After that, he put some antibacterial which stung you. He wrapped a bandage around it.

"There. All done. Now, mind telling me why you got cut?" You mumbled things he could not hear so he asked you to repeat it again.

"I was thinking." He raised his eyebrow at that.

"Huh!?" You pouted and confessed that you were thinking about the curry he was cooking. It gained You a ticked off mark from him. In the end, you received a huge scolding from him.

"Come to my house. I'll cook one for dinner." He said immediately after he saw your sad face.

"Really!?" You asked in glee. He blushed at the closeness, but nonetheless smiled back and nodded. You cheered and hugged him tightly. You realized what you had done so you looked away embarrassed.

'Why do I feel this way?'

"I-I'll see you l-later." You did not want to be alone so you grabbed his sleeve before he could leave.

"Please don't leave me until I fall asleep." He was shocked by this but nonetheless agreed to it.
"Fine." He sat down and you started to fall asleep. You did not know that you were this tired until you fell asleep while waiting for the nurse to come check your wound.

Kagami just sat on a chair watching you sleep. He brushed away the hair on your face and chuckled silently about your innocence and food.

Seirin High Clinic
After Class

The nurse helped you out with the wound and re-bandage it. You met up with Kagami after his basketball practice and he was really sweating hard so you tried to wiped it all off his face. He blushed at this.

"Let's go."

While walking, you thought about the thing that happened earlier. Your heart throbbed with glee yet you didn't know why. 'Do I like him?'

"(First name)." You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the boy beside you call your name. You looked behind and saw him blushing madly. He tried to say something but you could not hear it.

"Can you say it again?"
"I like you." You were mildly surprised. You didn't know that the basketball idiot liked you and it made you blush real hard.

"I-I—" With your heart beating fast, you know now what it means. You were about to answer back when he said that you did not have to say it. He said that he just wanted to say it but his eyes were hopeful and you were really starting to fall for him. He was about to walk when you yelled.

"I like you too okay!?"
"(First name)." Your face was really red by now. You tried to cover it but your were swept away with a kiss.

"I lik–love you. You gave life to my heart when it's only basketball that I'm devoted to. You loved my cooking and it made me realize that I want to be with that person." He kissed you passionately.

"Let's go?" You nodded and you two had a great dinner.

A/N: It's lame I know but I have major headache right now, which I think is migraine. Damn. See you in the next one!

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