Gaze-Kuroko Tetsuya

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It was another long day at Seirin's basketball gym where the infamous phantom sixth man goes to. Well that being said, I'm just here as their manager sitting. I was watching them practice but now, they're resting. I may not have the same eyes as Riko but my own eyes are enough to see how they had improved these succeeding weeks. Writing down my notebook, I took note of their muscle problems and how stiff their knee caps were. I walked to Riko and showed her their stats. By then, I knew what to do to relieve them. Kagami was first person I asked and I noticed that his leg joints were a bit stiff and they needed to be massaged and be used in something not stressful.

"Kagami, I need you to continually massage your legs everyday before practicing and also, don't jump for a week. That will just stress out your muscles, what you need is to soften it so that it'll be flexible. Can you help the drama club sometimes when carrying their props and instruments? You can still practice but no jumping so that means you need to learn shooting without jumping."

"What!? But I'll defeat him with air walking! My legs are fine okay!" He protested. I sighed before calling Kuroko in to do the trick. His owns gave out fast and that was not good.

"See? Just for a week. That's what your legs need actually. Will you accept the challenge?" I looked at him with determination. He was conflicted a little but gave in anyways. I smiled before continuing with the senpai. I noticed that Kuroko has been gazing at me. I wonder if there's something on my face.

"Kuroko, can you do something about your ignite pass? Like revise it?"
"Maybe I can (Last name)-san."
"That's good! We still need to work on your stamina though so...won't you help the orchestra club to fix their club?"
"It will help you I promise. It's just for a week and we'll see the result by then. Goodluck Kuroko!" He sweatdropped at me before nodding. I grinned while Riko just ordered them to continue.

~After practice~

"Oi (First name)! Let's go to Maji Burger!"
"Your treat!" I said. He sighed while Kuroko just chuckled at my behavior. I tagged along them and talked about class earlier. Our teacher in history was not there so we had a free time. Kagami took it as a time to sleep while Kuroko just talked to the trio. I smiled at the memory before entering the said fast food. The phantom was tasked to order food for us so we just sat by the window, waiting for the food. I meekly stared at the light blue haired player.

"You're staring (First name)." Kagami said. I blushed furiously before retorting back.

"W-What are you saying!? No, I'm not!"
"Uh-huh...sure~ continue to lie like that and he'll be out of your sight."

I slumped down the table and mumbled incoherent words before asking.

"Am I too obvious?" He patted my head and said "not at all". It was just his instincts he said. I guess I did fall for him but maybe he liked that Momoi. I mean who wouldn't. She has that big chest of hers, beautiful silky pink hair, good in acquiring informations (she's not a spy right? She acts like an underground hacker) and most of all, she likes basketball as well. To clear my head, I just released a huff and turned to Kuroko who returned sharply after. We ate in silence when I caught Kuroko's gaze on me. That's weird.

"Oh! It's already 6! I'm going home now! See you tomorrow Kagami—"
"I'll walk you home (Last name)-san."
"Eh? Isn't your ho—"
"It's not that far but if you insist."

I exited the fast food restaurant. Though I missed the look Kagami was giving me. We walked side by side each other while I was talking about my parents who are in another country. We lived separately after all.

"You speak fondly of them (Last name)-san. Even though they're not with you."
"Of course I still do. Though I wish that they were here, they still support me with everything they have. Ah! There was this time where I was so depressed then I received a video from them! They were dancing some ridiculous song and it made me laugh so hard!"
"Yeah. You have great parents (Last name)-san."
"Hehehe. Thank you!"

We star gazed for awhile before we came back a small park. It was lit up of course. I decided to sit down for awhile before star gazing once more.

"Wai! The stars are so bright today don't you think Kuroko?"
"Yes, they are."
"Winter Cup is near huh... I bet you will get your revenge game soon. Are you nervous?"
"I am but with everyone cheering us and every member doing their best, I think we can win. No, we will win."
"'re right."

I was humming a tune that time that I didn't notice Kuroko's gaze on me. It was just then that I stopped and looked at him. Hahaha! Well, I caught him staring so I pinched his cheeks.

"What are you looking at huh Kuroko?"
"Yaw war sho cawlm ewnd beawtiwol (Last name)-shan." I blushed at his remark cause I partially understood it.


Then he went in front of me and his look was so serious. I was nervous about what he had to say.

"After Winter Cup, please be my girlfriend (Last name)-san."

I was blushing head on now. I couldn't believe my ears but I was pretty sure that was what he said. He was asking me out for goodness' sake and directly! Ugh... I like him, "yes" and.... My eyes softened and I had to look in his eyes.

'Maybe it isn't bad to love him. We can work this out.'

"Maybe but you still have to court me Kuroko and it ain't easy."

He chuckled at me and it made me blush. We both laughed at our silliness before going home hand in hand.


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