Challenge-Miyaji Kiyoshi

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"(First name)! I challenge you!" You were greeted by a voice outside the gym. You were just passing the gym when Miyaji noticed you and demanded for another challenge. Both of you were friends since elementary and you were the one who discovered his talent for basketball.

"Another? Didn't we just have one last—I don't know, Monday? May I remind you that it's just Thursday today." You told him with hint of irritation in your voice. He insisted on having one so you agreed. Thankfully, you were wearing your cycling shorts.

Once you entered the gym, you apologized to the coach for the intrusion. He didn't mind though so you just changed your shoes and went to the said blondie.

"I'll defeat you this time!"
"Yeah right."
"Hmph. Where's the pineapple Otsubo? I'm going to smack it into this girl's head."
"I don't think that's wise nanodayo." Midorima commented.
"Hahaha! I know right!" Takao said.

You were the one who held the ball first.

"First to get five points wins."

You quickly dribbled the ball and slide over to his left side. You faked it then went to the right. Surprisingly, he was able to keep up with you so you passed the ball underneath him. You grabbed the ball then shoot it!

"Guess I got the first one."

He was angered by it. He quickly grabbed the ball and passed by you to shoot. You blocked it then dribbled it. You were about to shoot when he smacked it out of your hands. It made you smile in determination. The game lasted for a while until it was time.

"Looks like I win this time Miyaji."
"Damn it!"
"I'll see you later."

You walked out of the gym only to see your crush. You blushed heavily at him while he just smiled obliviously. He was talking to you and it looked like you two were a couple.

"Wow. (Last name)-senpai fell for that?" Takao asked surprised by the show.
"He's not that bad for her I guess." Midorima chimed in.
"Miyaji?" Otsubo turned to his friend only to see him looking away. Miyaji clenched his fist tightly.

"Like I care. Let's continue the practice or else I'll throw pineapples at you! You first years! Swipe the floors! Takao, Midorima! Go back to practice." He barked in anger. You noticed his booming voice so you looked at him.

"Is there something wrong (Last name)-san?"
"Nothing. Miyaji! I'll be going now!"

He didn't answer back which worried you. 'Why was he angry?'

~The Next Day~

"Hahaha! Is that so? Yes! I watched it as well! Remember that part?" You laughed with the same boy you had a crush on. Suddenly, Miyaji came in and scoffed at your actions. It hurt you a bit and it made you wonder why he was angry.

"Anything wrong (Last name)-san?" The boy asked. You shook your head no.
"Say...Could you meet me later lunch at the rooftop?"
"Umm...sure. See you later then." He said with a smile which made you blush.

"Okay. I have to do this." You whispered to yourself. You sat in your chair fidgeting. Miyaji noticed this and asked.

"So? What's happening now?"
"Huh? What do you mean Miyaji?"
"What's up with you and that guy?" He said as he pointed at the guy. It made you blush for a moment. He took that as a sign that you were going to do something that'll broke his heart.


~At the rooftop~

"So what is it (Last name)-san?"

You shifted slightly for the uncomfortableness. You took a deep breath and let it out.

"I like you (Male friend's name)-kun!" You said. There was silence for a while until he broke it.

"A-Ah. I'm sorry but I already have someone else."
"I-I see. I-I'm sorry then!" You ran away from the scene before tears spill out.

"*sob sob* I'm such an idiot! Baka! Baka! Ugh!" You ended up inside the gym where you cried your heart out.

"Stupid me! Argh! I should stop this. *sob sob* It hurts." You clenched your heart tightly. You fell for that guy and it really hurt you.

"(First name)?" You heard a voice behind. You looked at the source of the voice and saw Miyaji. He saw your tear-stricken face and that made him sad as worry.

"Miyaji..." You said his name painfully. You ran to him and cling unto his clothes.

"(First name)..."
"I'm such an idiot! Ugh! Why does it hurt so much. It was just a simple rejection!" You cried. He knew that his jacket would be wet but he didn't care, he had to comfort you.

"There. It's alright."
"I know it's not the right time (First name) but I ask of you. Will you let me into your heart?"

You looked up and you could see his serious but blushing face. It made you flush for a while noticing how close your faces were.

"You don't have to answer now but I'll wait for you. You were the first one who made me feel like this. One who gave me challenge, fear, happiness, sadness, anger and most inportantly, love." He confessed. There was silence and it made him nervous. You suddenly burst out laughing.

"Are you really Miyaji!? I didn't know he was this cheesy! Hahaha!"
"Only for you..." He whispered. You heard it though and it made you blush ten times than with the guy you confessed to.

'Am I starting to like him?'

"Miyaji?" You said. He looked at you with worry. You smiled and pat his cheeks.

"I'll give you a chance but for now, I have to move on."
"I see. Then, let me be there for you."
"Alright! Where's the pineapple? I'm going to beat that guy!"
"What's up with you and pineapples?"

You decided to be bold and kissed his cheeks. He turned red like a tomato and it made you laugh.

"You'll treat me later for two ice creams alright!" You ran from the scene laughing.

He just sighed and scratched his head.
'She's really something. Guess, she'll get over it easily.'

"Come on Miyaji! We're going to be late! Classes are going to resume!"



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