✨Part time job: Cafe-SPECIALS!!

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A/N: Yo minna! Here I am once again for another story. Another special might I add. I was kinda bored, can't think of a love story right now so deal with it! Joke! Enjoy~


"Sigh...it's so hot in here." I slumped down my chair as I looked at my other classmates who seemed to be busy about their own plans for the summer break. Suddenly, I heard a shout behind me. Guess what? It was none other than Kagami Taiga. Sheesh, when will he shut up? Maybe when hell freezes over.

"Kagami-kun, please lower down your voice."
"Like hell I will! Listen here Kuroko, I will have to go back to America for my father so I have to make this remaining days lasting!"

'Oh~ I didn't know that Kagami will fly over there. Oh well~ Though I'm kind of in a pinch right now.' I stared at the window trying to think of ways to earn money. I was jerked out of my thoughts when Kuroko suddenly talked beside me.

"(Last name)-san?"
"Kyaaah! D-Damnit! Stop scaring me Kuroko!" I pouted. He apologized soon enough so I asked him what was his problem. He said that he is in need of a part time job this summer. I understood his dilemma and I was also in a pinch. I told him to list down any suggestions. Just then, Kagami plopped down a paper in front of us.

"Wanted: Waiter/Waitress. Cafe: Soleil." We read out loud. We looked at him confused.

"You two need a job right? Here." He put the paper in my hands as he walked back to his seat. I looked at the cafe and it was not that far from my home and Seirin High. Not bad.

"How come you have this Kagami?" I asked.
"Just passed by their cafe from street basketball." He answered.
"This will certainly help us Kagami-kun. Thank you very much." Kuroko bowed in gratitude. I pat Kagami in the back hard as thanks.

"That hurts!" He shouted at me. I laughed nervously before swatting him away. I hit his back though. Hahaha! His face was so priceless!

"Oops. Sorry Kagami!"
"You overdid it (Last name)-san." I laughed nervously before going back to my seat to look at the brochure. It was a simple cute cafe if you ask me. They're paying enough money this time. Cool.

"This cafe is good Kuroko." He smiled lightly and looked at it. Soon, the teacher came and started the lesson. It was a bit boring and luckily, I didn't fall asleep. I was already traumatized by what happened the last time I fell.

After class, Kuroko and Kagami told their coach that they will not be practicing today because of certain reasons. She was not about to accept it but once she saw me by the door, she finally agreed but not without letting a sigh.

"Hehehe. I'm sorry about this Riko-senpai." She just laughed it off and asked me what we're about. I grinned and showed her the brochure.

"A cafe?"
"Yup! You see, Kuroko and I are kinda low in budget hence the cafe." She hummed before telling me that she'll visit once we're accepted. I smiled bashfully. Not long after, we took off and went to the said cafe. The manager was a kind old man and there was already a maid working there. They were welcoming and this was just perfect for us.

"(Last name)(First name) and Kuroko Tetsuya right?" He asked. We both smiled at him and he found that satisfying. We were accepted! Alright!

"This is it Kuroko. We'll start our work tomorrow."
"I'll be in the night shift though."
"Don't worry, I'll be here until 9 in the evening." I said. He looked worried a bit but I assured him that I'll be alright. He even invited himself to take me home. I thanked him for that.

The next day after class, I was the first one in the cafe.

"Good morning sir! Welcome to Soleil. What will be your order?" He smiled at me before saying a cup of coffee and Mont Blanc. I told master (the manager) the order and Miya, the maid, gave him the order. It continued until Kuroko came. What I didn't expect was his companion. I actually paled.

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