Special #4: Rejection, Tears and Smiles

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I woke up for another day of mockery. It was always like this. Waking up from a memory that broke me, a transparent fragile glass. Staring at the dull room, I stood up and looked at the foggy mirror. All I could see was a broken girl.

"I look horrible." My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was sticking everywhere, cracked lips and baggy clothes. Only his words were enough to break me.

"Argh! Damnit! I'm a mess!" I cried desperately as I held my crying face. Tears rapidly flowed and my shouts were heard. My parents are out of the country and my brother is back in his university. There was no one to help me. That's what I though until my door swung open and there stood my best friend, Azami. She got this angry face and that made me look down in shame.

"Just how long do you plan to sulk (First name)!? If he doesn't want you, then it's his loss!" Her words pierced right through me. I know that's what I should think now but there will always be this pain my heart.

"We'll go shopping ad take that jerk out of your head." She pulled me up and shove me towards the bathroom where I did my necessities and clothed myself. She was the one who did my hair and a bit of make-up.

"Let's go?" She asked softly. I nodded and she walked me towards the mall. Everywhere, she made me feel happy again and I had to give up the award to her. I was smiling now and laughing a bit but that changed when he came to me. He was there with Midorima and Murasakibara. Those same yellow eyes that pierced my heart. I can still remember those cold eyes.

"(Last name)."
"Ryo—no, Kise." My eyes were dead but if you look closely, you can see the pain and anger it holds. Azami pulled at my arm saying that we need to leave. I know she doesn't want me to have a public argument but I had enough.

"What do you want Kise?"
"I-I'm sorry about what I did (Last name). It was stupid of me! Please come back." He bowed.

"Now you want me back? Back Kise!?" I snorted. It was not lady-like but I don't care.

"Sorry but I'm done with you Kise. You've hurt me long enough to even be back with you. I forgive you but coming back? You might as well have the pigs fly." We walked out and came to the seaside near the mall. The air was refreshing.

"You haven't really moved on have you?" Azami asked. She knew me too well as tears ran down my cheeks. I wiped them all away. Just then, I feel a pat on my head and when I looked up, I was met by stunning dark blue eyes. I could feel Azami smirking before she left for some call.

"I have to call someone (First name). I'll see ya later."

"Daiki?" I looked at the tanned player beside me. He was looking down at me but you can emotions swirling in it.

"Is it him again?"
"Yeah... He wants me back but I rejected him. I don't want to be played again. I'm tired." Unexpectedly, he hugged me. His hugs were warm. I leaned more until I ended up falling asleep with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you...."

•Azami's POV

"She fell asleep?" I sighed before taking out some ice cream inside the plastic.

"Here. You can have this."

I sat down edge and began babbling about things. Mostly about her and Kise. I knew that Aomine fell for (First name) and I'm happy for it. He was different after all when he's with (First name).

"You should pursue her." I could see him flinch at what I said which made me laugh a little.

"B-But she's still in love with Kise." Sighing loudly, I bonked his head and put on an annoyed face.

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