Waiting for you-Liu Wei

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I was up to start another day today but it's not just another boring day because it's my birthday! (A/N: If it's not, then pretend~) I looked inside my closet for any cute clothes I could wear. I'm not usually this choosy with clothes but since it's a special day, maybe I can give a bit of effort for it.

"Hmm. What about this blouse?" I chose a simple flower patterned white blouse and brown skirt that reaches down below my knees. I tied my hair in a high ponytail before parting my bangs to the side. I looked presentable.

The noise from downstairs alarmed me and when I went down, the only person whom I didn't expect to come was there. Liu Wei. We both have been studying in Yosen and in short time, he asked me out. I felt my face flush in embarrassment.

"Liu? What are you doing here?" He looked at me and had that shocked face. He turned around and I could see his ears redden. I stifled lightly but failed to do so as I laughed out loud.

"S-Sorry Liu but seriously, what are you doing here?"
"I-It's your birthday and I want to celebrate it with you." He smiled. It was the smile that will always melt me to the ground. I smiled lightly as hugged him. He was very tall and I only reached his chest. Too much for being short~ But I'm proud!

We had a peaceful breakfast. He cooked me his speciality which was blueberry pancakes and cappuccino. It was the best morning I ever had since this week has been stressful for the both of us. We're in college now by the way~

"You really are a good cook Liu!"
"Thank you. We're going to the amusement park after this. You had been wanting go there right?" I looked at him shocked but grinned like an idiot. It was best gift he had given me. Even though he doesn't know that it's my birthday today.

He stood up and went to my side to wipe the syrup that rolled down my cheeks. I blushed at our closeness. He chuckled at this before he kissed the side of my lips.

"Happy birthday." He whispered. I choked on the next pancake I ate. H-How did he know? He smiled mysteriously at me. I shook my head and just finished the food.

By 9, we went to the amusement park and there were a lot of people already! We tried the roller coaster first then the Big Drop. It made us hurl for awhile but we just laughed it out. Well mostly me because Liu Wei just smiled. It was fine to me though because I knew that he was enjoying. I saw the Vikings and we rode it. It was fun! Spinning 360 that it! Then we played in the water splash and bumper cars. This really made me happy. Unfortunately, that fun was about to end.

*ring ring*

"Hello?" Liu Wei said as he answered the call. He was emotionless and it was hard for me to read it. He nodded before ending the call. He was called back to the gym. Basketball was still his passion and he still played. I smiled sadly before nodding. I understood it but sometimes, I want to be the selfish me. Where I could just have him stay and forget the call but I know he loves it.

"I'll wait for you tonight for movie marathon okay!?" I said as I tried to smile. It was painful to hear that he's going.

•Liu's POV

I was called back to the gym by the university's coach and I know that I made (First name) upset again. She was making that face again and I want to cheer her up. The coach just called me for their practice game and I know that it will end soon.

That's what I thought but it took me up until 6 in the evening. Crap! I was late! I ran down the road but a shop caught me. They were selling a scarf that suited (First name). I smiled and bought it. I have to apologize to her so I added her favorite flower.

About 20 minutes, I reached her home. I knocked but no one answered the door. I sighed and took out my spare key. She gave it to me not too long ago. The only light that was on was the kitchen joined with the dining area. She was there sleeping on the table with a box of cake. I smiled slightly before I took out the scarf and put it around her.

"(First name)?" She opened her eyes slowly.

"Liu? Hmm? W-What time is it?"
"It's 7. You fell asleep here. You must have been tired."
"Maybe. I made the cake after we came back. Hehehe." She touched her neck when she noticed the scarf.

"Happy Birthday again. That's my gift and this." I said as I took out her favorite color. She blushed and kissed my cheeks. She pulled out but I pulled her back to a passionate kiss.

"Let's lit up the cake?" She laughed and we did then we watched the movie. Unfortunately, she fell asleep in the middle of it. I stroked her hair and turned off the TV before we slept in each other's arms.

"Goodnight (First name)."


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