Beast-Hayama Kotaro

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I carried all the test papers towards the teachers' nook. It was no easy stuff. I mean I was carrying not only a bundle but a stock which almost covered where I was going. Not knowing if I would bump into somebody, I instead tripped on my foot! Falling face flat was not one of my goals so I waited for the impact.

'Huh? I don't feel anything?' I felt a body in front of me and it was Hayama who caught me!

"H-Hayama! Thank you. I'm sorry for the papers though." We were a mess but he just laughed it off.

"It's fine (First name). Test papers? To the teachers' nook?" He asked.
"Yeah. I couldn't see which way to go because of the papers."
"I'll lend you a hand!" I was surprised by his request but accepted it nonetheless. While walking, we talked about his basketball practices and how Akashi-san changed. It surprised me as well but I'm glad to know he's not the cold student anymore.

"It was still a loss about the Winter Cup though. I thought we'll win." He was still bummed by it so I only did the one thing that could cheer him up.

"That's a good fight actually. At least now you know the feeling of losing and you will not repeat the same mistake." He just grinned at me showing his feral teeth. I always loved how he looked like a cheetah.

After the incident, we would mostly talk to each other about basketball, school and of course, skateboarding. I actually didn't know he was passionate about the sport aside from basketball. He even invited me to watch him skate.

"That was amazing Hayama!"
"I prefer if you'd call me Kotaro, (First name)."
"Alright Kotaro! Will you teach me?"

It was the start of a blooming love. We've got a lot of differences but that's what made us unique. After 5 months, he confessed to me and I was so shocked. I accepted him and we're 3 months now. We still do our own things, say secrets to each other and skate in the park like we're the best of friends.

"Hahahah! Then Reo-nee kept on joking about the other player's body! How sweaty it was!"
"Hahaha! I didn't know that Reo was like that! Gosh! This made my day."

We were interrupted when a classmate of ours, Kazama-kun, asked for me. He wants to talk to me about our project and Kotaro reluctantly let me go.

"I'll be watching your practice later." He only nodded before planting a kiss on my temple. It made me blush a bit while he smirked. Men. I only giggled and joined Kazama-kun on his way to our project. It was just a simple research work.

After that, I went to watch Kotaro and his practice. His dribbling still amazes me no matter how much I had seen it. He came to me sweaty and I laughed at that. Handing him a towel, he went to hug me but I swatted his hands away telling him to wipe it all first. He pouted before laughing which made me do the same.

"You two love birds! Stop flirting there and let's get back to practice. You hear me Kotaro?"
"Hai Reo-nee!" He winked at us before we laughed our heads off. This was the best team for me. They went back to their old selves after the Winter Cup.

The next day, Kazama came again at the exact time but this day was different. One is that he always interrupts my talk with Kotaro, during lunch he comes, then he almost caught me after class! Thank the goddesses I was with Reo and Kotaro.

"Why is Kazama acting weird today?" I asked Kotaro. He kinda looked pissed off but he covered it easily with his outgoing grin. I smiled thinking that it was nothing. What I didn't notice was Reo's concerned face.

"Alright! Kotaro? Will you teach me to shoot after practice?" He was perplexed by my request but nodded at it anyways. It made me excited. What a wonderful day for us. What I didn't know was that a problem will soon come down at us.

It was Thursday and only a day before the submission of our project. Kazama was really acting weird the past days. It was as if he was planning something. He came to me at lunch and he grabbed my hand pulling me somewhere.

"K-Kazama-kun? Please let me go." I pleaded. He ignored me and I knew this was bad. So I struggled upon his hold.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I was already squirming and the other students tried to help but they were glared upon by Kazama. That was until we passed through Kotaro and Reo's classroom.

"Kotaro! Help me!" Kotaro looked at me and was enraged by what he was seeing. He ran to my side and pulled me out of his grasp. He hid me behind him as he glared at Kazama. I flinched at their staring contest. The dean even came and I was about to tell him but I was grabbed by somebody.

"Mmph mmp!" I struggled. The students were too scared to join. I looked at who captured me and it was the school jerk! He was grinning maliciously at trying to feel my legs. Kotaro growled at the jerk.

"Let her go." He said with a growl. He really looked like a beast now. I was still scared but I don't want to act like a damsel in distress so I stomped his feet before going back to Kotaro.

"She's mine Kazama. Get lost."
"Yours? But she's mine from the start. If you hadn't just gotten her, I would have!"
"Eh? I-I'm sorry Kazama-kun but I like Kotaro not you."
"What's so special about him!?"

"His mine." I said. He was shocked by my answer. He was about to leave but he punched Kotaro unexpectedly. The jerk kicked him while I was just forced to watch.

"KOTARO!!" The dean finally came and saw the scene before calling out the security guards to hold the two. Kotaro flinched at my touch but still smiled. We went to the nurse's office and he was treated there. We sat there holding hands. I can feel the guilt eating me away.

"It's not your fault (First name)." He said as if he knew what I was feeling. I cried silently as he held my head and pulled me closer to him. He's really caring despite that wild look.

"I'll always be yours." He said. I smiled and squeezed his hand. He did the same and said, "A beast huh? Guess I'm a cheetah?" I laughed at his guess. He grinned at me before saying something.

"I was jealous you know. He was always grabbing you at our leisure time. I didn't know that he was planning this. I should have said no the first time he pulled you out in our lunch." I shook my head indicating that none was or fault.

"Let's just forget this day and I hope it will not affect your play this weekend."
"It's just a practice game. No worries. Let's skate tomorrow?"

He really knows how to make me smile so I nodded eagerly. What shocked me was that he kissed me quickly belfry grinning. I was, most probably, as red as tomato now! Ugh!

"Kotaro!" He just laughed before giving me another passionate kiss.

"A kind beast. My beast." I whispered to myself. He just smiled before I leant on him.


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