Yes Captain!-Kasamatsu Yukio

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"Yeah! Then Kuroko curved the ball and bam!"
"Yes! Kurokocchi is amazing!"

Kise and I were both fussing about the phantom player. Well~ let me tell you something. Shintaro and I are cousins but we are the total opposites! Hahahah! I know, I know. Totally cliché for a story if you ask me. Anyways, going back to the topic, we continued to talk about things but that was until Kasamatsu-senpai kicked Kise across the room. Ouch!

"That hurts Kasamatsu-senpai!"
"Ahahaha...isn't that a bit too much captain?" I asked nervously. He looked at me with a glare so I hid behind Moriyama-senpai. Captain just sighed and ordered the others to go back to practice. I laughed nervously and went back to being the simple manager I am.

"Alright~ I have to check my schedule today." I did and it was the same routine everyday. Do homework, study, watch other player's game and think of new strategies. Don't forget data gathering. Wow~ another eventful day.

"Stop messing with the girls Kise or I'll kick your ass!" He said he will but he did anyways. I sweat dropped at their relationship. It maybe weird but I'm happy that these two enjoy the club. I heard that captain had been hard on himself lately. Moriyama-senpai saw me staring at the two and smiled.

"They have the weirdest relationship don't you think (First name)?"
"Say... Do you think you can walk me up to any girls you know?" He asked shyly. I snorted before going to a full laugh. He pouted at me which made me laugh more. I wiped the tears on my eyes before agreeing. I missed the look Kasamatsu-senpai shot us though but not Moriyama.

"Oi (First name)! Are you done with the strategies?"
"Eh!? I'm going to finish that later night captain!" I whined. He had an irk mark before putting his heavy hand on head. It's kinda weird though that he doesn't stutter in front of me. I laughed nervously before doing it. Sigh~

"Ok captain! I'm going to finish it. No need to be so frightening." I shot him the look. Kise and Moriyama-senpai just laughed at us. This caused captain Kasamatsu to blush which I didn't caught because Kobori-senpai was talking about something.

"I'm going to give it to you tomorrow senpai!" He nodded and went back to practice. I turned to my serious side before taking notes about their performance. Coach looked at me and saw the weariness in my eyes. He told me to rest a bit but I just said that I'm fine and this was my job.

After their practice, it was now time to go home. Kise said that he didn't have any photo shoot today and that he can accompany me home. I was happy to hear that though 'cause that means we can go to the convenience store and buy some ice cream. I even invited the serious 'cause even need to have a rest.

"Let's get the new ice cream flavor Kise! I've tasted it and it was awesome!"
"Really su!? Then let's go!" We dashed off leaving the seniors behind.

•Moriyama's POV

"Are you okay with that Kasamatsu?"
"Huh? With what?" He asked. I sighed.

"You like (First name) right?"
"W-What are you saying!? Stop j-joking will you!"
"Am I...too obvious?" He asked silently. I smiled before saying yes. He sighed loudly scratching his head in turn. It must have annoying him not being able to tell her.

"You should go after them before Kise takes her away."
"Shut up."

•Your POV

We were eating our ice cream, well actually I'm the only one left 'cause is done, Kasamatsu came kicking Kise right of his side. It was funny actually and the seniors made their way to buy some snacks. Kasamatsu huffed before entering the shop himself. After that, we ended up having a long chat brides going home. Kasamatsu was with him since we live in the same street.

"You sure are in good terms with Kise, captain!"
"Ugh! He pisses me off you know especially with his fans." I laughed at it and we talked about basketball again as usual. Soon, we reached my home and I bade him goodnight.

~The Next Day~

I opened my locker to find a bunch of love letters again. Sighing, I picked them up and put them in a plastic before putting them back inside the locker. Throwing them sounds a bit harsh but maybe I can read some before actually turning it down and throwing it.

"You still getting those love letters?" I was startled with the voice but when I looked, it was just Kasamatsu-senpai. I giggled and said yes. He was looking kinda pissed off but I told him that it's not a problem at all. He had this look saying "unbelievable" and I know I am.

"I'll see you later senpai. I'm done with the strategies by the way."

•Kasamatsu's POV

I watched her leave as I changed to my indoor shoes. It kinda ticked me off that those boys kept on chasing her. I know I have to right 'cause I'm not her boyfriend but I just had to. Ugh! I fell for her hard.

After class, it was time to practice again. Seniors came early then the second years and some of first years. The two were again battering but their closeness kinda pisses me off. Kise was obviously getting too cl—What am I saying!? I'm not even her boyfriend! I couldn't help it though.

"You're looking like that again Kasamatsu." It was Moriyama. He knows why I was like this.

"Why don't you just confess?"
"She might not even like me."
"You're being way too pessimistic. Just ask her out and you're getting pretty jealous of Kise there."
"Shut up."

Break came and I decided to confront Kise if he likes her. It was not easy to ask but he started to laugh at me. I made me angry so I kicked him along with a smack in the head. He told me that he didn't have any feelings for her and it kinda relieved me.

"How about we help you out senpai?"
"Set you up!"
"What!? No!" Before I knew it, they were already on the plan.

~The next day~

I was totally nervous today that I think the chair was shaking visibly. I don't think those idiots will actually help me. Just then, a girl from my class, Haruna, I think was starting to flirt with me. Ugh. I want to frown though but I had to play along with all her laughing and smiles. Disgusting.

What I failed I notice was (First name) coming to my class to give me the strategies. She was shocked with what she saw and started to run. Oh no. I chased her and we ended up on the rooftop.

"(First name). What you saw was not it."
"What are you saying captain? I mean you were having a good time with her right?"
"That's not it! She was flirting with me!"
"And you didn't force her away? Low."

I felt anger inside me. Why won't she listen to me!? She kept on ranting how boys will always be boys to her. I did what I thought was right. A kiss met her lips. In a short span, her anger subsided and looked at me in shock.

"I like you (First name). From the time you came to my life, the day I met you up until now. No girl can even replace you so stop acting like an idiot."
"I...I don't know. I just suddenly felt jealous of her. You were having a good time."
"I was jealous too you know? With you sticking beside Kise. I hated it." I confessed. It was silent until I heard her giggle. She said this, "I'm sorry senpai for making you jealous and I... I like you as well." Just by hearing those words, I knew that I was the luckiest man alive! I spun her around before giving her a passionate kiss.

"I love you (First name)."
"Me too."


You: I didn't know you get easily jealous captain and Kise at that! He's my best friend and only until that.
Kasamatsu: S-Shut up! I wasn't okay? What I said was weird!
You: Really? So it's a bluff? Maybe I should just return to Kise's side.
Kasamatsu: No! You're only mine!

I blushed at that and nodded before giving him a peck on the cheek.

You: Let's go! They're waiting for us.
Kasamatsu: Yeah yeah.

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