To make him smile-Aomine Daiki

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They all changed. It seemed like it was only Momoi and I who couldn't get over that fact. I could see that she was torn between their friendship and even I. I was torn between people. I've decided to come to Touo with them when the time comes.

~Teiko 3rd year days~

"Daiki? Aren't you going to practice with the others?" I asked the tanned teen on the rooftop. He rolled over to the side so he couldn't see me and continued reading his porn magazine.

"Damnit Daiki! Are you listening!? Momoi is worried as well." He glared at me and stood up. I'd be lying if I didn't say that he terrified me a bit but I had to stand up and take action. "I don't care about practice 'cause the only one who can beat me is me." His cold tone pierced me before he jumped off to find another place to read. I clenched my fist in anger and punched the wall next to me. I knew it left a dent because I've trained to be a martial artist.

The gym wasn't that far but while walking towards the door, I noticed one familiar person. Imayoshi. I approached the person and listened to their conversation. So they planned on fishing out Daiki and Momoi.

"You're really sly aren't you Sho?" He turned to me and grinned. I glared at him and said, "I didn't know that you'll personally want to see Daiki." His reply wasn't what I want but it's really up to the two. "I'll be going there you know." His smile widened at it then laughed.

"Why I didn't know you would go there too! This is really surprising isn't it?" I just glared then sighed. I looked behind him and gave a nod of acknowledgment. They did the same.

"I'll meet you there then."

The following days were all the same. Only a few of the generation of miracles were smiling, nor practicing. What kind of team is this!? Aren't they too cocky for their own good!? I had to fetch him again and I knew that he will not stop by the rooftop so I looked at an empty shed near the garden and he was there.


"What do you want? Will you just leave me here and grab the others!? You're annoying." I know it hurts and I know he's a jerk but I had to.

"Will you stop being so stubborn and just practice?" My patience was running out and if it did, I don't want to go to that part. He stood up annoyed and glared at me. "This is the last time that I'll listen to you." I know.

~Touo Days~

"What should I do (First name)-chan! He isn't practicing!" I looked to the person beside me as she complained about a certain blue tanned player. I grabbed a magazine with me from Auntie.

"Burn this. Threat." She looked at me and grinned. "Where did you get this?" "Auntie gave it to me to threat him." She laughed while I did but lightly. I quitted basketball for awhile now but there are times where I would stop by to watch. I was just lazing around again since I was done with my homework.

Minutes later, the others were having their lunch while I was just talking with the coach about their strategies and data gathering. It was enough I guess but then he came. He grabbed one of Sakurai's octopus sausage then jumped off the stage. Wakamatsu was yelling at him again about not practicing and just barging out of nowhere. I knew where this will go and it pained me to see it. He punched Wakamatsu and grabbed a ball then dunked it. The ring broke and he threw it at him as he said his almost catch phrase, "I don't have to 'cause the only one who can beat me is me."

I went to him angered then slapped his right cheek. "What the hell is wrong with you!? You're such an arrogant prick! Don't you know that everyone here is practicing because it's for their own benefits and not to get rusty!?" He glared at me and what I didn't expect him to do was he raised me up with my shirt. "You don't know me (First name)." Then he pushed me to Momoi.

"He will pay. One day, a certain person will beat him. I'm going now, thank you for your time Momoi and coach."

I didn't know where I was but I knew that my heart will take me to a place where I can cry and reassure myself. It was a basketball gym. Street basketball. A noise caught my ears and when I turned around, Kuroko and Kagami were there.

"(Last name)-san. What are you doing here?" Tears flowed down my cheeks now and I wiped them quickly as I tried not to show any weakness. I felt a pat on my head and I didn't expect Kagami to do it while Kuroko held my shoulders and smiled at me. I cried to them about everything and they promised me this.

"We'll win. We will return him back to his old self."
"That self-centered bastard will pay."

I laughed painfully at them and tried to fake a smile. Well, it turned to be a genuine all of a sudden. Maybe I should believe them. I nodded and grinned at them. Noticing the ball in Kagami's hand, I snatched it and played with them for awhile. Thank goodness I was wearing shorts under my skirt.

"Alright! I won Kagami and Kuroko. 5-3." Kagami was more surprised but I told him that I was a player who retired already.

The following days did nothing to ease the pain. His eyes remained cold and I could still feel the fear. The tournament came and Seirin lost. It was not yet the time but they'll grow. Then Kaijo versus Touo came. Kise was different somehow and it was because of Kagami and Kuroko but they still lost. Momoi noticed the bruise on Aomine's elbow. I even noticed his legs were faltering a bit. I told her that but I guess it was a mistake.

"I can play! You have no right Satsuki! I'm fine you know!"
"No you're not! Even (First name)-chan said that your legs were faltering!" He growled at her and shouted, "I don't care! I'll play and don't you dare show me your ugly face ever again Satsuki!"

I was shocked with his words then I saw Satsuki ran in the rain. I trotted to him and slapped his cheeks hard. "You're an idiot. Act mature Aomine Daiki. She was just concerned." "Then run after her! I don't care." I did and ran after Satsuki. She rounded around the corner and the rain was so hard. *cough cough* Damn. I need to run much faster. I ran over the over pass then down a constructed building.

"Satsuki!" I didn't notice the ties of the rope of those metal break. All fell down and when Satsuki looked back at me, she shouted in fear. I was pierced. My vision blurred out.

"(FIRST NAME)-CHAN!!!" I tried to reach to her and she held it. I whispered her some words.

"Tell Daiki sorry and that he'll learn new lessons. Tell Kagami and Kuroko thank you. They will *cough* their promise." I huffed and sighed until I felt all numb.

•Momoi's POV

I ran away from that prick then I heard (First name)-chan shout. I looked back at her and she was pierced by metals. The fear in my eyes were there.

"(FIRST NAME)-CHAN!!!" I reached to her and held her hands. She smiled and told me her last wish. No. I don't want this to end.

"(First name)-chan." I ran away and I was led to Seirin. They were there and I cried it all to Tetsuya. He was horrified. I know.

•Aomine's POV

I didn't saw (First name) for days but I always see Satsuki crying at the corner. I was about to ask but Imayoshi shook his head.

"Satsuki!" She looked at me with tears. I haven't seen her look this ever since her puppy died. "She's gone Aomine. She's gone!" "Who?" "...." I didn't need answer and I could feel everything fall down. I had to get away. I had to.

I skipped practice again and it led me to her house where Auntie tended to her garden. She was crying but she tried to smile. "Auntie." "Aomine-kun. Come. (First name) is—" "I know."

"She left a gift you know?" She held it to me and when I opened it, it was an album and a letter. I thanked her and went to an empty park. I couldn't believe it as I cried.

"I'm fine Daiki. Go and I'll see you sometime." I thought I heard a voice and when I looked back, there was no one but I could still feel her warmth.

"I love you."


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