Date-Kise Ryota

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"(First name)-cchi! Have you heard!? There's a festival coming up this Saturday! Let's go!"

You were interrupted from your work by your noisy but too handsome boyfriend, Kise Ryota. You tilt your head a bit thoughtfully. You knew that there will be a festival coming up but there will be flaws if you two would ever decide to go. You looked back at the mess in front of you and surely, your homework was almost done. His stare was felt even if you turned your back so you just nodded and said.

"Sure but don't you have practice that time?" You excused. There was a reason behind it and that's because you didn't want to be bombarded by his 'fans'. He shook his head happily and replied.

"Coach said that we could have Saturday as our rest and time for ourselves! So let's go!" He encouraged. You sighed and smiled a small smile at him. You really just couldn't deny his requests. He just want to spend time with you so why not right? You only hope that his fans will not bombard you or possibly ruin your date. A sudden ring on your phone snap you out of your thoughts and you saw a message from your mom. It was about the store they plan to open during the festival.

'Seriously? I want to help them but...' You thought as you looked back to your boyfriend who was sitting on your bed thinking about your upcoming date. He was smiling and you didn't want to ruin it.

'Maybe just this once.' You smile at the thought then texted her that you'll try to come but don't expect it to be sure. You put your phone back and continued answering your homework. Suddenly, you felt a warm hug engulfed you. You look up and saw him leaning on your head.

"(First name)-cchi should be ready by the date then. Who was that on the text anyway su~?" He asked in an innocent tone.
"That was my mom. Say, are you done with your homeworks?" You asked in a motherly one. He nodded so you asked him to pull it out so that you could check if all are correct but what shocked you was... EVERYTHING IS WRONG!

"The hell Kise! Are you freaking serious!? Sit down and do this again!"
"NO su~!!" He whined while you tried to pull him down which, for your information, succeeded.

"Sigh... Let me guess, you were not listening during class hours right?"
"I fell asleep because of our last game with...what school was it again?"
"Senshinkan." You said as you get your extra notebook for him to use as solution paper. For the rest of the day, you used it in answering your homeworks.

~Summer Festival~

"Ouch! Mom, that's too tight. Loosen the obi a little please."
"Sigh. You really don't like wearing things like this so why now?"
"W-Well... I... I wanttoimpresshimevenjustalittle." You said in a whisper and fast tone.
"*giggle* I get it. For Kise-kun right?"
"Yeah yeah. There. It looks good on you." She complemented you. You smiled at her and gave your mother a hug. You even said that you'll try to help in the stall which she denied 'cause she wanted you to enjoy. You looked back at the mirror and the only thing you could see was a girl with red yukata designed with yellow flowers and a maroon obi. Your hair was fashioned in a messy side bun which looked good on you.

*ding dong*

"Coming!" You opened the door and saw Kise in his blue striped yukata. It showed a bit of his chest which made you blush. He saw you and looked away while covering his face but you see that his ears were red.

"Y-You looked g-good today (First name)-cchi and s-shall we go?" He said as he tried to cover his blush. You smiled and grabbed his hand.

"We'll be going now mom!"
"Be careful on the way okay?"

Once you entered the festival, there were tons of adults and children who were running and playing outside the said place. You looked back at him and you couldn't help but smile and blush a bit. It would be a lie if you didn't see him very handsome right now.

"Where should we go Kise?"
"How about that su~?" He asked as he pointed at a shooting game. You felt challenged so you pulled him to the stall and paid for a gun. You tried to shoot it, unfortunately, you were only able to shoot two. Kise chuckled behind you. You pouted so he helped you out and finally, you were able to win and you won a colorful glass rose.

"Wai~ this rose is so beautiful."
"But not as beautiful as you." You heard Kise. You smacked him lightly in the arm. You tried out different stalls and it was really fun until it was ruined when a fan of his recognized him. He was swarmed by them and you were left sweat dropping at the scene. You smiled bitterly 'cause it means that your date has now ended. You walked out of the place and sat beside a tree alone.

"Sigh. I guess I could help my mom now and..." You stopped only to feel wet tears stream down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away since you knew that this will happen.

•Kise's POV

"Excuse me please! Let me pass through! Excuse me! Please I have to find my girlfriend!" I yelled in frustration. Then suddenly, I heard someone say.
"Girlfriend!? How good is she to you Kise?"
"Maybe she's too ugly!"

It made my blood boil and without thinking I said this:

"She's the most beautiful, smart, caring, and brave girl I have ever met and I'm too grateful to even have her! So please don't say any bad things about her just because you haven't seen her yet." I stormed out of the scene and made my way outside to find her. I looked for her everywhere until I found her napping under a tree.

"(First name)-cchi?"
"...." She was sound asleep so I draped the jacket I brought and pulled her close to me. I could see the tears on her cheeks so I wiped it out and leaned over. Sometime from now, she woke up in a daze.

"Kise?" She looked up and those eyes pierced my soul. I touch her cheeks and kissed her lips softly.

"E-Eh? Kise!? W-What are you doing!?"
"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." I said then she giggled lightly and kissed me on the cheeks.
"It's fine. It kinda saddened me but it's natural."
"It was supposed to be our day today and I—"
"STOP! How about it, mom asked me last time if I could help her in the stall here. Would you like to experience it?" You suggested with a grin. His eyes lighted up and nodded very quickly.

You went to the stall and greeted your mom. She was surprised but grinned in the end. You two made some taiyaki for children. Kise's first try was a fail but soon, got it right. He was smiling and you were laughing at his antics.

A great summer festival to spend some time with him.


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