Winning you-Sakurai Ryo

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I walked towards the teachers' nook when a guy, whom I didn't know, stopped me.

"Umm. Is there anything you need?" I was unsure then he smirked at me. Wow, I have an egoistic person in front. Great~ note the sarcasm.

"You're (Last name)(First name) right?"
"Yes? What is it?"
"Go out with me." He ordered. My eyes widened at his words. I quickly replied to this crazy jerk. "Excuse me but I don't even know you and you're asking me? Sorry but no."

He looked enraged for a second before pulling my arm to stop me. I squirmed out of his grip but he kept a tight grip. Then someone came and released me from his hold.

"P-Please stop hurting a girl. I-I'm sorry!"
"What's with you!?" The guy who gripped my hand yelled at the guy who saved me. I looked closely and noticed that it was Sakurai Ryo. "S-Sakurai." My whispered was heard by him and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"(Last name)-san isn't fond of what you're doing." He turned serious now. I would lie if I tell you that I didn't blush at his voice. The jerk scowled at him but he held his gaze at him. In the end, the jerk walked out.

"Sigh...Thank you Sakurai."
"I-It's no problem (L-Last name)-san! I-I'm sorry! This happened because of me. It's so shameful! I—" I clumped his mouth shut and grinned at him. He blushed but I didn't notice it.

"Thank you and you were great back there. I don't know what that jerk would have done but I owe you. Well, I'll be going now. Later."

•Sakurai's POV

I blushed at her smile. She was really indeed a beauty. I still remember the time when I first met her. I was going home from basketball practice when I saw her by the locker sighing at all the papers on her hands. Wait. Those were not just papers, they were all love letters.

"Again? This is the second time this week and it's just Tuesday. Those boys were creeping me out as well."

"Hello? D-Do you need any help? I-I'm sorry! It's so shameful to ask I shouldn't have." She looked shocked at my outburst then started laughing. I blushed at that and she told me everything.

"I see. Why don't you just reject them?"
"I did but there were still those who insisted. I don't plan on being a relationship you see." I nodded and advised her to explain it to them.

Now, the boys seemed more persistent and to tell you, I'm starting to fall for her. Her smiles always make my day.

"Sakurai! You're with the second years!"
"Ahh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Imayoshi sighed at my outburst but they were used to it. Momoi- san told me that my calf muscles need to relax as well as my lower arm. I understood it so I did.

The next day, I was yawning when I dragged my self to class. Just then, I happened to meet (Last name)-san by the door with her weird bed hair.

"(Last name)-san...your hair." She looked embarrassed for a while before shushing me up. I chuckled lightly and she slapped my arm playfully. I felt at ease with her and maybe I don't have to stutter in front of her.

Class started and the teachers were busy drilling into our minds the lessons we encountered for the upcoming exam. Ugh. It's going to be tiring and I knew that I have to do my best this year. (Last name)-san, as usual, was writing on her notebook about homeworks, projects and school plans. I smiled at her and soon, class ended and lunch came. A boy with Raven hair entered the room and asked for her, another came and two more. She looked petrified but she stood up and looked at me hopefully.

"What is it that you need?" I followed them to the back of the school and listened.

"Will you go out with one of us?"
"Huh? B-But I don't even know you!"
"Then we'll make you." They were about to touch her but I glared at them and swap their hands away.

"Don't you dare touch her."

"Who the hell are you!?"
"Sakurai Ryo. Now go and scram."
"Do you think we'll just go and let you have her!? You have to go past us you know!"

I was about to get into a fight when Aomine-san came from out of nowhere. He was complaining about the noise and when he saw us, he quickly glared at the men in front of us and they ran away scared.

"You go as well Sakurai. I'm sleeping here." I thanked him and apologized before dragging (Last name)-san towards a shade.

"Are you alright (Last name)-san?" She smiled and hugged me tight. I was so surprised but I did the same.

"I'm glad you're alright. I-I'm sorry."
"There's no need to apologize Sakurai."

I decided to be bold.

"I know you don't want to be in a relationship (Last name)-san but will you go out with me? I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked! I—" She cut me off with a kiss on the cheeks. I blushed so hard that I found it difficult to look at her but when she giggled, I just had to look at her.

"So that's a yes?"
"Yes...Ryo?" I pecked her lips lightly.

Winning you over was the best thing that happened to me.


"Let's go to a new sweets shop here later." I said as showed him a flyer I got earlier this morning. He smiled and I held his hand in mine.

"I'll get some Mont Blanc and Strawberry shortcake." He chuckled at me and I joined him. He invited me to watch his practice and I agreed.

"Sure. I'd love to!" I leaned on him and said that this was a side of him I haven't seen. He looked mortified for a while but I just laughed at it and said that: "No matter what, you're still the same Ryo I fell."

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