Happy Birthday Mayuzumi Chihiro

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Author's Note:

It's Chi-chan's birthday last March 3 so let's greet him shall we!

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to—

Chihiro: Oi Sakura. Aren't you going to start my story?
Sakura(Author): Chi-chan! Happy Birthday! *glomp at him*
Chihiro: Get off will you.
Sakura: Okay fine. This story is a gift so enjoy~

Chihiro: Sigh.


"Reo? Is Chihiro here?" You asked as you quietly enter the gym. Mibuchi Reo looked at you and engulfed you in a hug.

"(First name)-chan! How are you!? And Chihiro? He's not here." He said as he squeezed you between him. You were having a hard time breathing so you just pat him. Hayama was the one who pointed it out though.

"Reo-nee, you're choking (First name)-chan."
"Eh? A-AH! Sorry!" He said. You engulfed a big gulp of air and breathe out loudly. Then you looked around and talked to the two.

"You see, it's Chihiro's birthday two days from now and I'm planning to hold a birthday party for him."
"Eh? I see but where do you want to spend it?"
"Ehehehe... You see, I plan to have a date on his birthday but the problem is we will have class that time. I think."
"Hmm? Wait, Reo-nee, there's no classes this Thursday right?"
"Now that you mention, I think so." He said in a reassuring face.

You beamed at the two and you started to plan with them until you were interrupted by Eikichi and Akashi.

"(First name). What are you doing here?" Akashi asked. You froze and turned to him slowly. You laughed nervously and looked away. Even though he changed after the Winter Cup, you still feel the intimidating aura but he still tried to mend up all those things he has done.

"Umm...it's Chihiro's birthday on Thursday and we're planning how we should surprise him." You said shyly. He looked surprised then smiled.

"We don't have any classes though so we can do it here."
"You're right but Sei-chan? Isn't there a  new swimming pavilion that just opened last week? Maybe we could celebrate it there. Summer is near after all and some cold treatment would help us." Reo said with a wink.

"Nice idea Reo-nee! Alright swimming! Swimming!"
"That sure is a good idea Mibuchi."
"Right! I'm gonna show my muscle! Uraagh!" Eikichi shouted as he showed off his muscle. You smiled at them and thanked Reo a lot.

For what seemed like half an hour, the rest of you planned for it. Since the others want to thank him, they joined the group discussion. Akashi said that he'll be the one to reserve tickets for us, Eikichi and Hayama for the design planning and all, Reo and you for the food while the others, for the decorations.

"Alright! This is perfect!" You shouted in glee. It was stopped when someone called you.

"(First name)? What are you doing here? We don't have practice." You whipped around and saw Chihiro.

"Akashi? What's with everybo—Nevermind, don't answer that question. Come on, it's time to go (First name)."
"A-Ah...okay. Thanks guys. I'll be going now." You waved them goodbye.

Soon, you joined the silent 3rd year's side and talked about things. He wanted to know what you were talking about with them but he just left it out considering how happy you were. You were the only one he let in his bubble and was thankful for that.

"Say Chihiro?"
"Are you busy this Thursday? We don't have classes right so, I want to ask if maybe, you know, we could go to the newly opened swimming attraction?"
"Sure. I don't have anything to do anyway."
"Alright! I'll be rooting for that day then!" You said while grinning like an idiot.

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