Aid-Kise Ryota

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I woke up with a pounding headache and sweaty clothes. Ugh, I feel gross. I combed my tangled hair before slipping out of bed. Going to the bathroom, I took a long nice shower and suddenly began coughing. It was all too weird for me to feel sick.

"*cough cough* What the hell?" My voice was starting to hoarse. Shaking my head, I stepped out of the bathroom and change to my school uniform. I walked down and greeted mom who was making breakfast.

"Morning mom." I kinda felt dizzy for awhile.
"Morning hon." She said before setting down a plate of bacon and eggs. I sniffed for awhile and that made her look at me in concern. I just smiled and ate the food in front.

"Are you sure you're alright (First name)?"
"I'm fine mom. No *cough cough* worries mom! See ya later." I took off and walked towards the school. Feeling my forehead for awhile, I can sense that I'll be having a high fever soon. Not only that but I kinda feel weak now. I hate this. I sighed and just smiled it off. The school was the same as usual and the girls were still squealing about how "handsome" Kise Ryota was. I rolled my eyes before changing to my inner shoes and entering the class.

"Morning." I whispered. Some returned it but some were still too absorbed with their chats. My head continued to pounds so I slumped down the table and breathed slowly. It was kinda stuffy in this uniform considering the long sleeve, vest and skirt. Just then, the door opened and there stood the oh-so-popular Kise. Ugh! And his fangirls were shouting as well!

"KYAAAH! Kise-kun, please be mine!"
"Have my babies!"
"I'll always love you!"
"Let me marry you and have your babies."

I looked up with a disturbed face. Seriously?! Babies!? What the hell...? These girls are all too obsess and their comments really disturbed me. Kise saw my figure slumped down again on the table and tried to get my attention.

"(First name)-cchi! How are you!?"
"Shut up Kise!"
"Why (First name)-cchi? What's wrong?"
"Shush it. My head is pounding."
"Eh!? Are you all right!? Let's get you to the clinic!" I glared at the banana head and he backed away slowly with a strained smile. I scoffed and let out a shuddery breath. The teacher came and told us to take our books out and have a self study. I smiled lightly. At least I could use this time to rest for awhile.

"My fever is starting to rise again. I need to drink up my medicine later." Just then, I could feel a cold stare behind me and when I looked, Kise was staring at me in worry. I just sent him a small smile. Sometimes, he really worries too much. This fever will just pass by quickly~

~A few hours later~

Yeah right. This fever will just pass by my ass! It was too difficult to understand what the lesson was so I just dozed off with my ninja skills of course. I was waken up by a tap on my shoulder and when I looked up, Kise was really staring at me in worry.

"Are you sure you're alright (First name)?"
"I'm fine Kise. No need to worry." I smiled at him. He reluctantly left my side to go to the gym. When he left, I stood up and went to the canteen. Dizziness started to eat me up and when I was about to go to the table with my food, black spots filled my vision and I lot consciousness.

•Kise's POV

"That hurts su~!"
"Shut up!" Kasamatsu-senpai said as he kicked me again. We went to the canteen to get lunch and just then, we heard a loud thud on the floor. (First name)-cchi just fell.

"(First name)-cchi!" I checked her temperature and her fever was high. She was also breathing hard so I carried her towards the clinic.

"Ms. Hana! Please! You gotta help (First name)-cchi!" She saw me and ordered me to put her on a bed. Once I did, she told me to stay outside as she checks her. I paced outside in worry. Ugh! I should have sent her here earlier! I'm such an idiot!

"Thank you for bringing her here Kise-kun."
"H-How is she su~?"
"She's fine but her fever is still high. I suggest that you let her rest here for awhile."
"Thank you very much su~! C-Can I stay here with her for a while?"

I sat down near her bed and held her hands. Please get well soon (First name)-cchi.

•Your POV

"Hmm?" I opened my heavy eyes and looked at where I was. The only thing I could remember was walking towards my table with the lunch I bought then bam! Blackness found my eyes. I could feel something warm on my hanods and when I glanced at it, I noticed that Kise was there and he was holding my hand! What!? The famous-and-I'm-so-sexy-model Kise Ryota is holding my hand! I peered at his face and he looked so innocent. It made me smile lightly and I noticed that the sun was about to set.

"Kise? Wake up."
"Five more minutes please."
"Kise. Don't you have practice?"
"Slipped out."
"No schedule."
"Sigh. Kise? Night time." I said. He didn't reply and I think he really fell asleep back. An irk mark appeared on my head so I shouted at him.

"KISE RYOTA! WAKE YOUR ASS UP! IT'S ALMOST NIGH TIME." He was startled with my shout and mock a salute with sleepy eyes.

"I-I'm awake su~!" I giggled at his actions before apologizing. He stared at me shocked before fussing about my fever. I had to calm him down and it was difficult I tell you.

"I'm fine now okay? See? I'm better!" I cheerfully said. He smiled a little before grinning. He helped me carry my things and we went home talking about things. Well mostly him since I was still tired. I was still a bit tired and Kise noticed it so he crouched down.

"Eh? What are you doing Kise?"
"Ride on my back. You're still tired su~!" I flushed a littler and I'm glad that I wore my cycling shorts today. I did and he was happy to have me close.

"Why do you always stick with me Kise?" I asked feeling sleepy again.
"E-Eh!? N-Nothing really su~! I-I just wanna be with (First name)-cchi!"
"Mm." I didn't understood what he said as I fell asleep again.

"(First name)-cchi?" Kise looked behind only to find a sleeping (First name). He chuckled before whispering.

"I stick by you because I like you."


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