Cherry Blossoms-Moriyama Yoshitaka

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Moriyama's POV

I walked towards the large cherry blossoms up the hill. Putting the flowers I bought for this day, I kneeled down the small grave under it. The wind breeze was so nice to feel on my skin. Kind of like a cool sweep of the wind. Smiling sadly at the grave, I traced the name engraved in it.

(Last name)(First name)

"How are you (First name)? Right. You can't answer me. It's been...7 years? I miss you." Without me knowing, tears rolled down my cheeks. Pounding my hands on the ground, I held the picture that I hid in my coat.

"Why did you have to die!? I should be the one (First name)! I should have been the one..." All I could do was curl on her grave.

"Yoshi. I'm here."

Here words still rang on my head. Her words, her lips, her eyes, her nose. All the smallest things about her! I won't be able forget it! I stared at the picture in my hand. It was her smiling with the engagement ring I got her. I still remember that day. The day I proposed to her!

"(First name)...(First name)...."


Spring (Haru)

I met you when I was running late for school. You were there standing under the same cherry blossom tree where you were buried. You were so fascinated with the cherry blossom. I was too, but I was captivated with your beauty. Blush coated my cheeks and when you turned around, you were shocked but you smiled.

"Hello. I'm (First name)."
"Moriyama Yoshitaka." You giggled at me and pointed at my head. There were a lot of cherry blossoms when I touched it. We both laughed and you reminded me of being late which made you laugh. I decided that time that I'll meet you there every now and then. We did and you were happy to have another friend. You told me that you go to the same school I'm in but due to your illness, you were not always around.

Summer (Natsu)

It was another hot summer and we were both enjoying it on a summer house. You were relieved from the hospital after you were admitted there. As we sat there, I couldn't help but stare at you. You were wearing a short dress that time you know. It was sky blue and it brought out your bright eyes. I loved it. I told you countless stories of our practices, matches and especially Kasamatsu and Kise. You would always laugh. That laugh that I miss now. I wish you're here again.

"Yoshi? Should we eat this?" You held the watermelon over my face and I quickly took a bite. You blushed but laughed at my antics at the same time. Then we are your homemade ice popsicles! I loved the blueberry and strawberry ones that you made!

"This is so delicious (First name)!"
"Hahahah! I'm glad you liked it!" Then I held the blueberry one I was eating to you. You hesitantly took one bite but you did and you squealed at the sweetness.

"You're right! I only tasted my chocolate and vanilla ones! Hahahah!"

We both laughed at our silliness.

Autumn (Aki)

I was running towards your classroom when lunch came and opened the door quite harshly. You were surprised but you laughed at my haggard face! I couldn't help it 'cause one of your classmate said that you were coughing so bad.

"Are you alright!?"
"I'm alright Yoshi. I'm fine! See?" You said as you showed your thin and frail arm, posing as if you have muscles. I chuckled at your silliness but I decided to eat with you. We talked about things and Kasamatsu found me. He was surprised at me but I told him
That it's a secret. I finally find the girl I love.

"You feel hard Moriyama."
"Yeah... She gave me a new light." I said with a laugh. Kasamatsu laughed as well.

Winter (Fuyu)

It was cold as usual. It's the Winter Cup. You insisted that you want to watch the game so you did. It was now Seirin versus Kaijo. You smile at me when I looked at you and it gave a newfound strength. It made me chuckle before going back to the game. Kasamatsu was scolding Kise for being reckless and not trusting his upperclassmen. I smiled and told Kise the same thing.

"Trust us."

We did our best but we still lost. It was worth it. All of our hardships were still paid. Good game Seirin. You came down from the audience and hugged me tightly. There were tears in your eyes and you said this:

"I'm proud of you and your team Yoshi." It was enough to make me cry. It hurt to know that we lost but I do think that Seirin will make their way to face off and defeat Rakuzan.

"Let's go and have some hot coffee." You suggested that time. I didn't know that it will be the last coffee we were going to have that time. We sat by the bench I silence as I leaned on her shoulder. She just patted my head and it was enough. Her being here with me is enough.

"Find a reason to sing
Kimi ni aitai
Utau koto oshiete kureta kimi ni
Find a reason to sing
Issho ni utaou
Nani mo nai kedo kimi e okuri mono

Connecting, connecting with your song
Connecting, connecting with your dream
Connecting, connecting with your life
Connecting with you

Connecting, connecting with your song
Connecting, connecting with your dream
Connecting, connecting with your life
Connecting with you"

It was the song that I will never forget. Thank you (First name). I realized this time that I really need to tell you how I feel but...

A few weeks after Winter Cup

"Why is (First name) not here?" I asked her classmates. That's when I knew that she was admitted to a hospital after coughing blood. I rushed towards the hospital. I didn't care if I skipped class, all I need is to see her alright.

"(First name)!"
"Y-Yoshi... Hehehehe. Sorry to worry you again." You smiled at me. I hugged you tight too scared to lose you.

"Please. Tell me if this ever happens again." You laughed lightly before kissing my cheeks. Your smile brought heat to my cheeks.

"Thank you Yoshi."

You said that but...

"I'm sorry Mr. Moriyama but Ms. (Last name) didn't make it." The doctor said then left me to have time for myself. I fell in front of your cold body as tears rolled down my cheeks. I held your hands in hope that it will move again and that I'll see your smile again but no! Fate is so cruel.

"I love you! Why did you leave me!? (First name)...(First name)...." Then I noticed a paper beside you. It was a letter.

Dear Yoshi,

I must have been gone if you're reading this. Hehehe. I'm sorry for everything. It hurts for me to write this and I know that my time is up Yoshi. Thank you for everything! You made my life...remaining life the best I could have wished for! I...I fell for you Yoshi. Your smiles and your antics will forever be in my heart. Thank you for loving me. Every minute, every second, you made me remember them and how good life is. If only I can see you again. Reincarnation? Hahaha. Your smiles made my days Yoshi and this is goodbye. Take care of yourself alright? I love you.

(First name)

Behind it was the picture we took during Summer. I smiled bitterly as I stared at that smile of yours.

"I love you too."

End of Flashback

"I love you Yoshi."

I looked back when I heard her voice and I could see a silhouette above the grave. You were there in a white dress similar to what you wore during that summer. I smiled before saying.

"I love you (First name)."

I could see a blush but you smiled and said, "Me too Yoshi. Take care." You were gone in a flash. I stared at the sky and held the picture I treasured and the ring with it.

"See you (First name)."


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