Trevor X Meg

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For Megz_Megz05 hope this is okay :) 

Meg P.O.V

I yawn and look at my watch. 1:39am. Brilliant. I continue editing the newest AHWU when the power goes out, losing all my work that I had spent hours on. I groan and kick my desk. "I HATE THIS!" I yell. 

"Hate what Buttercup?" I scream and throw a games case at the dark figure standing in the doorway. "Ow shit, Meg what the fuck?" I shine my phone torch to see who it was.

"I'm so sorry Trevor, you scared me!" I say quietly.

"It's okay." He says chuckling. "So what's wrong?"

"I've just lost the AHWU video." I groan. "Its already almost two am!" 

"Hey, it's okay. I will do it in the morning."

"No it's fine." 

"Come here."

"Why?" I ask.

"I wanna show you something." I frown and get up, I walk towards him slowly. "I'm not gonna hit you." I walk up to him and he grabs my hand and pulling me through the building.


"Wait." He covers my eyes. "I have a surprise." He whispers. You walk for a little bit longer before uncovering my eyes, revealing a table with candles everywhere and two plates of pasta. "It's not much but I just wanted to do something for you. You've been really stressed lately." I turn around and smile. 

"Thank you so much." I say hugging him, he hugs back.

"Lets eat." We sit down at the table and dig in. 

"Blimey Trevor this is amazing!" I say after a mouthful. 

"Thanks. I'm kinda glad I shut off the power."

"That was you?!" I yell.

"Yeah." He says quietly. "Don't worry about AHWU, I have already edited it." He says smiling. 

"You could have told me before I had spent ages editing it." 

"Nah, I had to keep you away from the kitchen." I giggle and roll my eyes. 

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." I say quietly, he holds my hand and smiles.

"Anything for you." I blush and look at him smiling. 

"How long did this take?" I ask.

"Couple hours." He says like it was nothing.

"Are you serious? Trevor you shouldn't have." 

"I wanted to." I get up and hug him again. 

"Thank you Trevor." I whisper, he pulls away and kisses me, I smile and kiss him back. As we pull away I look at him and smile.

"I have been waiting so long to do that." He whispers. 

"Same." I whisper back before kissing him again.

Maybe power cuts are a good thing.

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